C11: Initiation

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"Ok let's start with the tattoo", said Ten. It took a lot of convincing for me to get into the gang. It was a week since I started living with NCT, and not being able to help out on my own case was concerning me. I'm the one who knows myself well enough, so I should be able to figure out how I'm connected to all of this. I gave that same argument to Taeyong, and he hesitantly agreed. However he did state that that would mean I'm officially in the gang and I had to be official. We moved into this room past the training room that I was guessing was the where they did tattoos.

"What are you thinking for the design and placement?"

"Hmmm. I think I'll get it on my wrist"

"Alright then" I saw him get out the required tools and felt myself shake looking at them. I'm not bad with needles, it's just the thought of being in a gang. Because of all the past events happening so fast, I never had enough time to process that I killed people and now that's going to be my life.

Ten I guess noticed my current nervous state. "You nervous about it hurting?"

"No, not it hurting. Just commitment"

"Well, do you want something to hold on to?"

"I don't know if that's going to help"

He stood up and went to a drawer. "Well I'm not good at talking it out so this is the best of comfort you're going to get from me. Unless, you would want a hug?"

"Sure I guess" He walked towards me and sat down. He then put his arms around my shoulders and embraced me. It was weird, not saying it was bad. It was just weird feeling this warmth after such a long time. I never hugged Eugene ever, even if I was sad. He would just pat my head and say some crappy line like 'cheer up kiddo', or 'there's people dealing with worst so toughen up'. The fact that this gang showed more love than my own father scared me. I slid my arms around his waist and fully embraced it.

"Thank you"

"No probpem" after we finished hugging, he handed me a small plushy. "Now, hugging isn't going to stop the pain. I cried getting mine done by Renjun and it wasn't helping when he ignored my sobs" i laughed. Ten started working and it didn't take long for him to finish.

"To be honest, You're the first girl that joins our team. That's pretty impressive"

"Really? Aren't I the only girl that's even stepped foot onto your premises?"

"Well not really. I mean some of us had girlfriends, but most of the time we just break up with them for their safety.  That or they find out that we're apart of a gang and think all of a sudden we'll shoot them if we're mad"

"Oh, so that's it? Taeyong didn't recruit a girl in general unless she's with one of you guys?"

"Well there was Sophie"

"Who's Sophie"

"I believe she's Johnny's sister. I'm not sure though. Jaehyun told me that she was here when I was in Thailand before I joined the group. You'll have to ask Johnny for more information"

"Ok then"

I looked down at my wrist and smiled. It looked so beautiful. "Wow, this is so good."

"I know", he said, smirking. I hit him with the plushie."yeah yeah"

"Alright, I guess we need to do the initiation now. I'll get Taeyong and Jaehyun. Oh also, you can keep the plushie if you want"


The two came in and Taeyong did weird hand movements in front of me.

"Um excuse me, you can't just expect me to understand everything you do."

"This is our gang sign. You do these movements whenever you need to tell a Nctzen during a mission who you are. Nctzens are people who aren't a part of our gang that help during missions. Usually, they're double-sided and lean towards our end. Show the sign to them and they will give you everything you need. It works the other way as well. If they just show you the NCT sign, you can go to them for information."

"Ok, sounds good to me. But next time tell me in advance please so it doesn't look like you're placing a curse on me"

"Ok ok. Now raise your right hand and repeat after me",

I, Maggie Hart, do hereby state that I am now a part of Neo Culture Technology and will do my best to protect this gang and the people of Neoworld. NCT is something that is meant to be kept secret until told to tell. This gang is now my family and I will promise to treat them like it

till the day I die.

Royalty Rebel/NCT Gang OT22Where stories live. Discover now