24. Cozy

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Liked by madisonbaileybabe, hichasestokes and 63,920 othersrudeth Lets get cozy up in here!! @kellyinwinterland 

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Liked by madisonbaileybabe, hichasestokes and 63,920 others
rudeth Lets get cozy up in here!! @kellyinwinterland 

madisonbaileybabe OH they getting cOzY 
-kellyinwinterand @madisonbaileybabe I was going to say I miss you but suddenly I do not
-madisonbaileybabe @kellyinwinterland Noooo baby I do miss you ❤
user1 cuute
user2 are they dating?? 
hichasestokes Going to steal your credit card info and buy toilet paper
-rudeth @hichasestokes you already told me you stocked up
-hichasestokes @rudeth never heard of over preparation
-kellyinwinterland @hichasestokes Rudy does poop a lot
-rudeth @kellyinwinterland If someone kicks you in your sleep wasn't me
-kellyinwinterland @rudeth yOu tHinK yOU'rE a tOuGh gUy?
user3 KUDY!! 
user4 bed head 
madelyncline You guys are cute and all but I really need to pee
austinnorth55 Parents
-user3 @austinnorth55 PARENTS INDEED
nick_v_cirillo Adopt me please
-rudeth @nick_v_cirillo We talked about this man
-austinnorth55 @nick_v_cirillo They already adopted me, sorry bro
-kellyinwinterland @nick_v_cirillo please don't kill your parents
drewstarkey Rully
-madisonbaileybabe @drewstarkey IT'S KUDY

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