25. Can I?

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"How many pictures do you still have to edit?", Rudy asked, half laying down and half sitting up on the bed next to me, resting his head on my shoulder. 
He whined, which made me laugh. I turned my head to plant a kiss on his forehead and turned my attention back to my laptop.
"When's the deadline?"
"I have to send this photoshoot until tonight, which I'm almost done.", I pointed to the screen, where a picture of Rudy, Chase and JD was waiting for it's final retouches, "And then I have two days to edit screenshots of the show and send it to Jonas for the OBX Instagram."
"Hmm, ok.", I looked at him, waiting for him to look at me so he would tell me what he wanted. Don't get me wrong, I actually liked when Rudy kept me company when I was working, which was common, he said he liked watching me act all magician on photos and see them into the final product. Personally, I thought it was cute, and I obviously would never complain about spending time with Rudy. 
"What?", he asked, his eyes finally meeting mine. 
He let out a hushed cute laugh and answered.
"Just thought you could take a break, you've been editing all week, I know you're tired. And I may or may not be missing your waffles."
"I knew it!"
"No! I'm kidding! Just take a break, please."
I sighted and, with one final glance at his pleading eyes, I surrendered. 
"Ok, let me just finish this photoshoot, there's only two more pictures, and then we'll make waffles and annoy our friends."
"Deal." he smiled and, to my surprise, he planted a kiss on my shoulder before laying his head back on the spot. Damn I was soft. 


Liked by obx, netflix and 108,660 othersjonathandavissofficial We got good jeans 👖 #obx #outerbanks 📸 by @kellyinwinterland

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Liked by obx, netflix and 108,660 others
jonathandavissofficial We got good jeans 👖 #obx #outerbanks 📸 by @kellyinwinterland

user Friend goals 🔥
user1 literally THE most attractive cast
-kellyinwinterland @user1 scientific facts
-user1 @kellyinwinterland OMG thank you for the blessings
user2 y'all are the lomls
kellyinwinterland zayumn boyz
-jonathandavissofficial @kellyinwinterland You are a legend Winter
-kellyinwinterland @jonathandavissofficial Always at your service Daviss

Maddie and I were attempting to learn a TikTok dance but we were goofing off more than actually dancing. Mostly because Maddie couldn't dance for shit. Or because Chase was distracting her. I think it was the later. 
"It's right, cross, right, Maddie! Jesus!", I argued laughing, after we messed up yet another take. I had lost count how many times we had attempted the dance but I was starting to sweat. I didn't notice that everyone had stopped what they were doing to watch us (fail miserably). 
"I can't focus with these idiots starring!"
"You shot an entire show with those idiots and you did fine!"
We only laughed harder and I had to lean against the kitchenette counter to hold myself straight and take a deep breath. I think I was actually sweating from laughing and not the dancing. I looked at the boys and caught Rudy's eyes. He was already looking at me with a grin that made me weak to the knees. It looked like he was enjoying watching me make a fool of myself. Oh well. I winked at him and turned my attention to Maddie, who was now trying to teach Chase the dance, giving the room a full on comedy show. 
A little while after, I sat on the couch between Rudy and Drew who were still making fun of Chase. The two eventually got tired and sat down too and we all talked about random stuff for a bit. It was getting late and my eyes felt dried and tired from staring at a screen all day. Rudy noticed my quietness and squeezed my knee to catch my attention. 
"You ok?", he whispered. 
"Yeah, just sleepy.", I whispered back. 
"Let's go to bed then."
"You can stay here if you want."
"Nah, I'll go with you, my eyes are getting heavy too."
We excused ourselves and said our goodnights to the rest of the group.
"Don't make any babies.", Chase said.
"Right back at ya.", I winked at him and he pretended to be insulted. I noticed Maddie blush.

We both got under the covers after changing into our pajamas. It was particularly hot that night so I tried not to act surprised when I saw Rudy's naked torso beside me. Nothing I had never seen before, obviously, but if sleeping next to him every night felt intimate, him sleeping next to me shirtless was making me all hot and bothered. I mean this in the most respecful way possible but I just wanted to jump on his bones already.
As usual, I laid my head on his chest, his arms wrapped around my shoulders and my waist, holding me close to him. I tried my best to keep my hand from roaming his chest and abs. Jesus Christ. I'm not even religious. 
"Forgot to tell you, the pictures looked amazing.", he whispered, turning slightly on his side, still holding me, so he could see my face. 
"Thank you! Glad you liked it."
He smiled appreciatively and squeezed my shoulder. We just stood in that position, staring at each other for what felt like an hour, when in reality it was only a minute. I usually got really unconfortable when poeple stared at me for longer than needed and I avoided eye contact as much as possible, but that wasn't the case with Rudy. It was so easy with him. It was like he was my confort zone, where I felt safe and free to be myself. I couldn't really tell what he was thinking but I was sure my expression was the same as his. I wanted to lose myself in him. I reached with my hand to pull a strand of his hair away from his eyes, my fingers brushing through his cheek as I rested my hand between his jaw and his ear. This wasn't has different has the other nights, we were always this close, but in that moment it felt almost like a dream. Rudy moved his head to kiss the palm of my hand, but when he moved it back his face was closer to mine, so close I could touch his nose with mine. At that point, my heart was racing and I felt my skin warm up a few degrees. Rubbing his nose against mine, he asked.
"Can I?"
It wasn't hard to understand what he was asking permission for. I guess we both knew we wanted it. If he was asking me if he could kiss me then it was because he felt the same, right? So, instead of giving him an answer, I just pressed my lips to his, recieving immediate response. I felt him smile, which made me smile too and the kiss turned into a weird lock of lips but, after a short glance at each other, we reconnected our mouths, my hand pulling him closer by moving to the back of his neck, caressing the short hair there. The hand that previously rested on my waist started making it's way to my hip and then to my unconvered tight, giving it a gentle squeeze. 
We made out for a few minutes, slow and gentle, just enjoying each other's touches. It felt so right and I didn't want it to stop and by the way Rudy was holding me and caressing my body I think he didn't want it either. We eventually stopped to catch our breaths, pleasing grins appearing on both our faces. 
"Well, that was nice.", I said, not really sure why. He laughed and kissed my nose, pulling me closer so I could rest my head under his.
"Yes, it was really nice. Might want to do it again."
"Fine by me, I guess."
He smacked my butt playfully, holding back a laugh and I hugged his torso, this time not being shy about caressing his muscles and we fell asleep like that, content and not letting go of each other. 

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