28. Not Official

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I was sitting on the balcony appreciating the last minutes of golden hour. It had been three days since Rudy and I kissed and, even though we hadn't talked about it, we were both aware that there was undeniably something between us. Something that went beyond a special friendship. But we were taking things slow, see where it lead us and just enjoying the moments with each other. Our fellow roommates had noticed our proximity and took every oportunity to point it out and make a joke about it, but I knew they were happy and rooting for us. I had caught them several times watching us with a tender smile on their faces when Rudy and I were either goofing around or cuddling on the couch when we all watched movies after dinner. They also made it clear on social media. But there was another potential couple in the house, so the teasing from Drew and Austin was split between Rudy and I and Chase and Madelyn, which made me feel relieved for escaping the spotlight for a while.
Maddie joined me on the balcony, taking a seat on the chair next to mine. She groaned and I looked at her questioningly.
"It's so quiet out here. Those boys can be really exhausting sometimes."
I laughed, agreeing with her.
"Yeah, there's times where I really can't stand that much testosterone."
"For real!", she laughed.
We stood in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the light breeze and the last rays of the sun, that was beginning to set. The boys could be heard from inside, doing God knows what, and it brought me a sense of comfort. Being with them felt like home. I wasn't close to my family, barely spoke to them, so I really appreciated the company of these people. They really felt like family to me, that's why I was so stoked when I was invited to quarantine with them.
"So, any progress on Kudy?", Maddie asked, wiggling her eyebrows. I blushed immediately, remembering our makeout session a few days ago and that was enough of an answer to her question. "Oh shoot there is progress, isn't it?"
"Sis, spill."
I took a glance behind me to make sure no one could hear us.
"We kissed."
She gasped and started banging her hand on her leg in excitement, making me laugh at her reaction.
"Ok I actually suspected that something like that might've happened because of how closer you two have gotten but I didn't want to say anything because I assumed that you would tell me if something happened."
"I thought about telling you but I didn't want to make such a big deal out of it. I mean, we're not official yet, we're taking things slow, so, you know, I don't want to think way to ahead."
"You said 'yet'."
"You said you're not official yet, that means you want it to be official, right?"
"I mean, yeah, but I also said that we're taking things slow. So I don't intend on acting like we're a thing."
"Honey, you already do."
"Your point?"
We both laughed.
I also asked Maddie about her and Chase and she ended up confessing that she liked him, to which, obviously, I wasn't surprised. I really wanted them to be together, I was sure they were made for each other and that's rare to find, so I was strongly rooting for them.
Our conversation was interrupted by the boys stepping outside and joining us on the balcony. The six of us watched the sunset together, talking and laughing and enjoying the  moment. My thoughts were drifting again to my family and how I never had this with them. They never supported my life choices and all family dinners were like a roasting session about my goals and dreams. I don't think they noticed how much their words affected me growing up and I couldn't wait to be old enough to get my own place and build my life away from their negativity. Moving to LA was a fresh start and I was forever grateful from what I achieved so far, and one of the best things that happened to me was working on the OBX show and meet the people I now considered my real family.
I was taken away from my thoughts by Rudy, who sat on the floor in between my legs. He was leaning his head back, looking up at me. I smiled at his adorable face and caressed his cheek with my hand, the other one going to his hair, massaging his scalp.
"Watcha thinking about?", he asked, his eyes closed, enjoying my little massages.
"Nothing special.", I smiled reassurancely, pretending he could see it.
The others were too busy to notice our exchange of lovey dovey looks, which was kind of embarrassing if you ask me, but, it was Rudy, I didn't really care how ridiculous we looked.



Liked by madelyncline, rudeth and 13,997 otherskellyinwinterland I want to marry golden hour ☀📸 @madelyncline (who's such a good photography student and will take my spot one day)

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Liked by madelyncline, rudeth and 13,997 others
kellyinwinterland I want to marry golden hour ☀📸 @madelyncline (who's such a good photography student and will take my spot one day)

-kellyinwinterland @madelyncline I love you betch ❤
user1 stunning 
obx You invented golden hour. You OWN golden hour
-kellyinwinterland @obx 🥺🥺💕
rudeth yo 😍
-kellyinwinterland @rudeth 😳❤
madisonbaileybabe Passed out 🔥🔥
-kellyinwinterland @madisonbaileybabe I MISS YOU BAILEY BABE
-madisonbaileybabe @kellyinwinterland I MISS YOU KELLY BABY
madisonbaileybabe Rudy just put a ring on it already
-rudeth @madisonbaileybabe Well that's fast
-madisonbaileybabe @rudeth waited long enough

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