30. Take a picture, it lasts longer

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Rudy and I decided to take a tiny step on our relationship-ish thing and try out a date. At least that's what he insisted on calling it. We went to explore around the city, away from traffic and people who were still too stubborn to stay home, so we made sure to go as far away as possible from any human contact. That's how we ended up on a wide field covered in flowers, a light, fresh breeze turning the place bearable to stay at due to the hot temperature, which I wasn't a big fan. As usual, I brought one of my cameras along with me, you never know when something might catch your eye and make you want to capture it. In this case, the only thing catching my eye, besides the beautiful view of the field, was Rudy. One of the side effects of being in love with him was that I found him the most wonderful human being on the planet. It was a bittersweet sensation because I've never felt like this before, not with that much intensity. 
"You wanna sit for a bit?", he asked, looking back at me to where I stood behind him photographing the flowers by my feet. 
We sat down, Rudy actually laying down.
"I'm gonna take a picture of you.
He smiled softly and closed his eyes, making himself more comfortable on the tall grass. 
I hit the shoot button and took a look at the shot, smiling at his peaceful face on the camera screen. 
"Is it good?"
"Yes, you look really cute."
Rudy sat up and leaned against my side to take a loot at the camera. He complimented my photography skills, something he actually does every single time he sees a photo taken by me, and I thanked him, bumping against his shoulder, which made him fall back on grass with an exagerated grunt. 
"That was rude."
"Shut up."
He pulled my arm with enough force to pull me down, my face falling flat against his chest. His torso bounced with laughing, which made me laugh too. We stayed like that for a while, my camera away from my hands and his playing with my hair and caressing my stomach. I wanted to stay like that forever, it was so peaceful and tender. 
"Wait, hold on, let me take my shirt off. I'm sweating."
"Oh lala.", I joked. 
He winked playfully with a smirk on his face. I sat up and he stood on his feet to take his shirt off and strech his back a little, while I just stood there admiring his physique in the sunlight, trying not to drool too much. I mean, imagine dating that. 
"Take a picture, it lasts longer.", he said, waiting for me to catch up on the pun. 
"I might just do that.", I laughed, laying down on my back and picking up my camera from the grass, taking said picture. 
I was checking how it turned out, shamelessly zooming in on his abs, when a shadow appeared over me and a weight rested itself on my body, making me huff in surprise. I looked over my camera to see Rudy's face close to mine, smiling stupidly. 
"Hi.", he said. I laughed and said 'hi' back, putting my camera down above my head, letting my arms rest there. 
Slowly but surely, Rudy leaned closer and kissed me. My heart skipped. It's not like we hadn't kissed again after our first kiss a few night ago, but they were just lingering pecks. This was like the first one but not so experimental. This one held more passion because we were both certain of what we were doing and what we wanted. One of his arms held my waist, the other one followed my arm, intertwining our fingers above my head, and my other arm went to the back of his neck to softly play with his hair. His tongue fighting with mine was making it difficult for me to hold myself together and not get rid of the rest of his clothes. He made me feel things that no one else ever could and I wanted to cherish that. I wanted to be with him. I wanted him. The way his hand squeezed mine, and just the way he was kissing me, made me be sure that he wanted it too, but that would have to wait because there was no way I would do it there. Outside and with grass tickling me. Not happening. Rudy moved his lips to my jaw, then my neck, then my collarbone, goosebumps forming on my warm skin, not only from the sun but from his touch. I sighted in contentment and pulled a little on his hair in an impulsive response to the pleasure, a soft groan leaving his occupied lips, making me crave him even more. He released my hand to move it to the end of my back and pull me even closer to him in an intimate hug. I took advantage of my arm being free and hugged him back by his neck. His lips were making it's way to my ear in between kisses. 
"Jesus Christ.", he whispered.
I laughed hard, completely ruining the moment.
"What?", I asked in between laughs.
"This was hot and I wished we were home right now. More specifically in our bed."
I blushed, still laughing, but agreed with him. 
We stayed in the field for a while, joking, talking, laughing, making out once in a while and joking some more until the sun began to set and we decided to head home. Guess it was a date after all. A very good one. 


kellyinwinterland shared a story

kellyinwinterland shared a story

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Liked by kellyinwinterland, hichasestokes and 1,076,271 othersrudeth By the eye of @kellyinwinterland 💙

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Liked by kellyinwinterland, hichasestokes and 1,076,271 others
rudeth By the eye of @kellyinwinterland 💙

obx Nice bandana
user So precious
user1 AWW KUDY
user2 This is too much cuteness for my heart
hichasestokes Was this a date?
-kellyinwinterland @hichasestokes I guess
-rudeth @hichasestokes who knows
-hichasestokes @kellyinwinterland @rudeth Ship
user5 Rudy you look so cute
-kellyinwinterland @user5 That's what I said
madisonbaileybabe Adorable



Liked by rudeth, obx and 14,899 otherskellyinwinterland I had grass tickling my butt but I mean it was so worth it 🤤 @rudeth

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Liked by rudeth, obx and 14,899 others
kellyinwinterland I had grass tickling my butt but I mean it was so worth it 🤤 @rudeth

kellyinwinterland Oops wrong emoji I meant 😊 :)
-madisonbaileybabe @kellyinwinterland sUrE
-kellyinwinterland @madisonbaileybabe Shhhh
user Kelly is simping and not only I support I also understand
obx Totally worth it. I would also like to mention how good the view is
-kellyinwinterland @obx Frisky but I have to agree. Seriously who runs this page?
rudeth My view was quite good too 🤤
-rudeth *😊 
-kellyinwinterland @rudeth Sure it was 
hichasestokes Dad
hichasestokes Or should I say: Daddy? 
-kellyinwinterland @hichasestokes 💀💀💀
-rudeth @hichasestokes 😎

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