The gifts arrive ..... HOW MANY OUR THEIR????

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Later into the day, after Zuko and Toph met the stranger called Ijekiel and heared what he said, the knew once they got the hole Gaang alone they needed to talk about this situation. But as plans go they had the worse luck in the history of worst luck!

Standing outside the Ruby Palace was Claude and a hoard of maids carrying boxs of things from sizes of big to small. Claude said, once he spotted the once forgotten princess stairing at everything in shock, with a smirk on his face "Since princess Athanasia is a princess of this emipre I thought she should have some outfits to show off her stauters." he then turned to the maids then said "You can get to work now!"

Maids rushed over to Athy grabbing her before dragging her off into a diffrent section of the palace, leaving the Gaang, Lily, Felix and Claude standing their.

Meanwhile With Athanasia

Athy was dragged into a part of the palace she once saw as a child, into a giant dressing room that once housed all the emperor's lovers clothes and still had room for more. Athy was stripped down to her undergarments as dress and accessores where put on, fix to wearing correctly on her, then taken off and she started the whole ruitain all over again.

Some where short but also practical for long trips in carrages or on hoorse back but still showing off her saturated of a princess of the emipre. She didn't have any traveling clothes since Claude said she wasn't needed to go out since Jennette came.

Some where day dresses to wear around her on palace but still looked like she could meet people in it if there was an emergencies or problems she needed to see over and couldn't get change

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Some where day dresses to wear around her on palace but still looked like she could meet people in it if there was an emergencies or problems she needed to see over and couldn't get change. Athy never on a day dress before since the fabric was ruined by the maids dumping it into the fire and laught about it to her face.

 Athy never on a day dress before since the fabric was ruined by the maids dumping it into the fire and laught about it to her face

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Some where formal wear to wear to balls or any important event in the empire she need to go to. Such as hunting parties, tea parties, meetings of the noble woman of the emipre, etc. Athy remember she only had the one dress she wore to her Debute ball and any other important events, witch made her the laughing stock with the young ladies around her age.

 Athy remember she only had the one dress she wore to her Debute ball and any other important events, witch made her the laughing stock with the young ladies around her age

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Fancy costumes to wear to maskeraide balls or costume parties. Witch she never attend before since the Ruby palace budget didn't allow for it. She didn't even have any play clothes like that as a child!

Athy also saw she was given dresses that where casual that she could wear at any time in or outside the palace walls

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Athy also saw she was given dresses that where casual that she could wear at any time in or outside the palace walls. Her only casual dress she had before she left was the purple dress she almost died in making her shudder at the thought.

Athy knew this was Claude's way of showing his love, since he did it for Jennette so many times infront of her since Jennette always wanted to rub it into her face, but she was tired off all the dress changing it felt like Zuko's palace maids chan...

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Athy knew this was Claude's way of showing his love, since he did it for Jennette so many times infront of her since Jennette always wanted to rub it into her face, but she was tired off all the dress changing it felt like Zuko's palace maids changing her into more triditional fire nation clothes for the fun of it. Witch she allowed making the maids happy, since once Zuko's mother was bainshed and his sister didn't like dressing up they had no royal lady to dress in all these years, but at lest they gave her a break! But she thought about after years of cold treatment from the man she should have been glade to call father Athanasia didn't care anymore.

After she was finish try on all the clothes, she went back to the Gaang wearing her training clothes for airbending. She poked her head in seeing the hole gang there but didn't see the emperor or Lily anywhere so she went inside.

She took a seat next to Katara and told the gang about what happen to her, once she was done telling Sokka made a bad joke "Well it seem clothes got to you! Ha ha ha ha, get it? Instead of cold I said clothes?" The Gaang just sighed at him before Toph ask if she knew anyone named Ijekiel and Athy looked up in suprised. "Ijekiel was a friend of mine the only one I had and is Jennette's fiancee. He unlocked my cell so I could escape, why?" said Athy looking at Zuko.

Zuko took a deep breath saying "He wants to help you get the throne and become the next ruler of this empire." He and Toph covered their ears as the Gaang went into shock before everyone screamed "WHAT!!!!!!!!!"

Meanwhile outside the Palace in the garden

Claude was asking Lily a lot of questions about Athy till she asked him why. Claude stopped for a few moments before saying "I want to make up for everything, and I mean everything I done to her since I turned my back on her when she was just a newborn." He and Lily where then statled by a "WHAT!!!!!!" coming from inside the Ruby palace before they both rushed back into the palace thinking something most have happen to Athanasia.

Claude blood went cold seeing his daughter pin under that Fire Lord Zuko's cheast thinking 'I think I need to start planning ways to kill this boy!'

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