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"So I was thinking... how about gas station food and then karaoke?" Koji proposed as we rolled up to a stoplight. I nod my head into Mori's chest, "Yeah," he responds for me.

He hums and drives down the street before pulling into a familiar gas station parking lot and parking upfront. I hesitantly climb off of Mori, thanking him, before following Koji closely into the gas station.

I follow him to the food display and watch as he puts together two extra-large boxes of nachos, the rest of the hosts gather their foods and we check out quickly. As we left I frowned, "I forgot to get a slushie..."

"I got your favorite," Hikaru held out a giant cup to me and I smiled down at the now shorter boy, "You're awesome, thanks, Hikaru."

He shrugs as we climb back into the van, me sliding into the passenger's seat and waiting on everyone else, "To karaoke!" I cheer as I sip on my drink. Koji passes me a box of nachos and I smile gratefully, taking a bite as we pull out of the driveway.

"So, which place are we going to?" Haruhi questions as Koji slams his foot on the gas with a wide smirk, "We're going to the Dragon's Nest~"

My eyes widen and I turn to them with a grin, "Forreal!? We haven't gone there in forever, this is gonna be so much fun! I wonder if Monty'll be there." I snicker and Koji mimics my mischievous expression, "The guy practically lives there, and on a Friday night? No way he ain't there!"

"I'm gonna beat the shit outta him," the hosts eyed me worriedly and I sigh, "There's a karaoke competition every Friday. Monty and I 're rivals, he's a worthy opponent."

Koji snickers as we pull into a parking spot, "See? There's his car, he's here!" I finished my food and hopped out of the van, sprinting toward the front of the building and turning back to the group, "C'mon guys! What're you waiting for?"

A small hand lands on my shoulder and spins me around, I'm faced with a man roughly as tall as Tamaki with massive muscles and a ton of tattoos. We change a determined look and he lets out a hearty laugh, "It's been a while kid, how've you been? You here to battle me?"

"You know it, man," I laugh, "I'm gonna crush you for sure!"

"We'll see about that... Hey, where's the tall guy?" he asks, eyeing the group behind me. I frown and Koji wraps an arm around me, "We ditched that cheating scumbag, tonight we're having a sleepover extravaganza!" they pump their fist in the air and I chuckle sadly. Monty shoots me a knowing look, "Next time I see 'em, me 'n the boys'll give 'em hell."

I smile, "Thanks Monty..."

"Enough lollygagging, let's go in! I've never been to a commoner's karaoke establishment before!" Tamaki cheers loudly and I nod, following the group closely as we walk inside. 

The woman at the desk eyes us knowingly and nods, "Table for 11?" We all nod our heads and she smiles, "And you four will be having your usuals I'm guessing?"

"Mhm!" Koji hums as he turns to the hostess, "You four can head in while I take their orders, your usual booth is ready. The tablet is on the table so put your songs in whenever."

I tuck my hands into my pockets as we all head into the main room.

"So," Koji grins as he plops down in his usual seat, "Who's going first?"

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