Chapter 12: Reunion

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Enjoy the chapter! :)

It was a typical day at Fairy Tail. Everyone in the guild procrastinating instead of working to earn money for the rent that was due. Two of these procrastinators, not including Sylvie who still lived off her parents, were Nashi and Marigold. They sat at a table with drinks and partially eaten and shared meals. Nashi chugged down her drink as she groaned to her companions. "I'm so....lonely..." This is what she said most of the time now. In her defense, she was very lonely. Her closest friends seemed to be Marigold and Sylvie, and Sylvie didn't even like Nashi all that much.

"We noticed." Marigold said, moving the cup out of Nashi's reach.  "You've been drinking from the same empty cup for half an hour."

"I haven't been on a job for a month...and it's October. My rents due in a week...I'm screwed." Nashi, exhausted for no good reason, dropped her head onto the table. It made a loud THUD as her forehead smacked against the wood, but the pain was a reminder that she was alive and it made her all the more saddened.

"Hey, we'll help you find a job!" Marigold said. "Right Sylvie?"

Marigold turned to Sylvie, who sat to her right, only to find her frozen. She stared at her drink, muttering some sort of philosophy to herself. "If I am to drink this, would it be like drinking myself? And if I am to chew the ice, and I to chew my own kind. As if I were to eat my own soul..."

"Sylvie...stop having emotional problems. We need to focus on Nashi right now." Marigold said, patting Sylvie on the back, promising to deal with her crisis on a later date.

Nashi reached over across the table, trying to take her empty cup back again. Marigold, who held the cup, simply maneuvered her hand away from Nashi's reach, quickly and easily defeating the girl. Nashi gave up, rolling her head back with a loud groan. "I just need to do something...maybe get another job...get a new dress...get laid or something. I've never done that. Is it fun to get laid?" Nashi said, pulling her head forward to look right at Marigold.

Marigold furrowed her eyebrows, insulted by the suggestion. "What? Why are you asking me?" 

"I dunno..." Nashi gestured towards Marigold's entire body, as she did have all the right junk in all the right places.


Sylvie's attention was driven away from her philosophy as she heard the loud and familiar groan of Laurie. She looked up to see Laurie sitting at the counter in front of the girls with his head on the table. Setting her glass on the table, she called to the boy. "What's wrong Laurie?"

"Yodana." He muttered.


Laurie span around on the stool, facing Sylvie with a tired look. "The inn keeper from Bosco. She somehow got my address and she keeps sending me postcards inviting me over for karaoke night." Laurie walked towards Sylvie's table, dropping the postcard onto the surface for her to grasp and examine. She held the card in her hand, finding an explicit image of Yodana on the cover in front of her dinky, little inn. 

"Isn't she sweet." Sylvie said, admiring the postcard.

Along with Laurie, Xavier was next to join the table of procrastinating girls. He sat down beside Nashi as she lay her head on her crossed arms. He didn't seem to pay much mind to Nashi's sulking behavior, and went straight to a friendly introduction. "Hey guys."

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