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"Veer, where are you?" the voice brought him out of his thoughts that were running in circles around the Aadhi Naagin. Just one look at her was all that was needed to forget about the aadhi naagin. "Bani, why are you shouting? What happened?" he asked her. " minute, what did you just say?" she questioned. "I said Bani, why are you shouting?" Veer repeated. This was enough for Bani to pick a fight. "Great!" she exclaimed. "Here I was trying to convince you that I am not your sweetheart and that you should call me by my name all these days. Just when I got used to your endearment you choose to revert back to my name! Do you do this just to irritate me Veer?" She had no control and blurted out these words bringing a smile to Veer's face. This further egged on Bani's patience. "What are you smiling about? Do you even realize that I am angry with you? Oh, God! Do you even have any idea of what I am going through? What do..............." Veer did not let her complete her string of questions. He shut her mouth and said "Sweetheart, you should have just told me upfront that you like it when I attach endearments and I would have followed it. There is no need to get angry on such a small thing!" He could not help himself but move a little bit closer to her, she was like a magnet to him "By the way, tell me Gharwali, why are you getting possessive? This is an out-of-character act for you." he pushed her a bit to see what she would tell him.

Veer was standing very close to Bani and the proximity affected her thinking, so without processing, she blurted out to him "You and Meera Di have this one-track mind. She keeps telling me that I am getting possessive and that I am jealous of any girl you talk or think about!" "Why would she say something like this?" Veer asked Bani eager to know more about his wife's feelings for him. "That was because I told her that you might want to pursue the aadhi naagin and I did not like it one bit!" she informed him spilling the beans. Veer was taken aback by what she said to him and could not help but ask "Did you eavesdrop on me and Tapish Bhai Gharwali?" when she nodded her head positively, Veer could not help but fall in love with her a little more. He knew his wife was perceptive, but the jealousy and possessiveness from her side were new to him. He wanted to kiss her worries away, to assure her that he will always be hers, but for that to happen he should be sure so instead he said "I will be honest with you sweetheart, I did not tell all that to you because I'm yet to figure out whatever it is that is happening to me! I did not even see her human form, yet can't help myself but think about her. It puzzles me how the past can hold such strong bonding with my heart. at the same time, I am still in love with you! I still feel the pull towards you. It is eating me up from inside that I love two women at the same time!"

Bani felt really bad about what Veer was going through and in the spur of the moment, she asked him "If I tell you there is a way through which I can put your mind and heart at ease, will you listen to me?" "Have I ever said no to anything that you have asked me sweetheart?" asked Veer, for which without replying she held Veer's hand and took him to the terrace. "Take me to a place where you know no one can reach us Veer, I need to tell you something very important and there should be no disturbance!" she told him. Veer understood her intention of asking him to fly her out instead of taking her by road. He picked her up in his arms for the first time with her approval and took her straight to the farmhouse.  He had brought her there once after the truck accident. Immediately Bani said "This place isn't safe Veer, we need to fly again, now I am going to direct you. Pick me up and fly out once more" she ordered. "I think you are having too much fun at my expense Gharwali!" he said "This is the first time I am seeing this side of you and I should say I like it better than the angry Bani." He flew out following her directions and they reached a place which was a cave cum a house. It was well covered and he knew she was right, this was a very secure spot. "First things first, how do you know about this place?" he asked her. "This is a place i used to play with my mother when we came out here once a year" she informed him "this is one of those memories that have been stuck with me even when I find it hard to picture how my mother looked like. I come here once in a while when things get too overwhelming in the real world I escape to this place." "This is a very peaceful place, thank you Bani for thinking that I am worthy enough to be here with you! Now tell me, how you are planning to put my mind to ease?" he questioned her. 

Bani instead of answering, smiled at him and crossed her arms, and took the form of the gigantic red serpent making Veer stumble with shock. She took her human form once more, and stood in front of him in all her glory! 

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