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Grace sat in the back of the pub. Her head was a mess. She couldn't believe that she was stupid enough to end up kissing Jamie tate. 

She knew that she was still caught up over Adam and how broken hearted that she was over it all but she hated how miserable that she felt and she knew Jamie was married and with a kid and she knew that they shouldn't of kissed but she knew that in that moment she didn't think over Adam and how he was gone and never coming back, grace knew it was hard, grace looked as she saw charity walk into the room and looked to her and smiled

"I think we need to talk. I know I. Have not been the best role model for you gracie but your my little girl and I know you are hurt over Adam but I don't think that drinking all day is going to help it will make you more miserable which is why I have arranged for you and Brooke to go out for some sister time. She's down too and your twins and need each other. I want you to live your life and not sit and wait for him to go back when we both know it may never happen" charity said as grace looked to her and smiled. Knowing that she was right.  
Grace walked into town with Brooke "have you talked to Ross I mean I know you slept with graham but have you told him" grace asked asked as Brooke looked to her and sighed

"no and I don't know if I can I mean it's so complicated. He used me so Joe could get revenge on me, graham used me for sex, for information and I love Ross and I messed up and I know the minute I tell him I will ruin everything" Brooke said as grace smiled

"he's made mistakes before if he loves you he will forgive you" grace said "you think I should tell him don't you" Brooke asked as grace nodded

"i do I mean you have to be honest or you don't have a relationship and if you don't tell him you know that Graham could tell him and it's better that he hears it from you. You know that" grace said as Brooke nodded

"so how are you doing" Brooke asked as grace smiled, Grace knew that she wanted to tell her sister over Jamie and the kiss but she knew Brooke would disapprove and she had no idea what it really meant

"I'm okay, I guess. I am coping and taking it one day at a time I miss him and it's hard but I'm okay" grace said as Brooke looked to her and smiled

Grace stood in the village and smiled as she saw Jamie. He looked to her and smiled

"hey, are you okay" he asked as she nodded

"I know what it seems that I was using you. I know what you have been through and yeah I'm married and have a child but I swear I am not using you I mean it" Jamie said as grace looked to him and smiled

"the last thing I need is another complicated relationship I think it's best we keep our distance until you decide what you want" grace said as he nodded.

But could they really keep their distance?

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