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Grace sat in the flat of the wool pack. Her head was a mess. She knew that she and Jamie had something going on and she knew that she liked him and how she wanted to make it work with him but she also knew that part of her still loved Adam and still kissed him and knew it was hard.

She felt so torn over them but she knew that Adam was gone and she'd never see him again and she knew that she had to move in and be happy but she knew how hard it was. Adam was her first love and it was hard to let him go.

Grace knew that he could of moved on wherever he was now and she wouldn't know and she knew that she and Jamie did have something and she didn't want to loose what she had with Jamie

"are you okay" charity asked as she walked into the room as she looked to her daughter as grace looked to her and smiled

"I'm fine. You don't need to worry over me. I'm okay I am just a little tired that's all" grace said.

Grace knew that the last thing she needed was to tell charity how she was feeling and she knew how charity would react if grace told her over Jamie when she knew that she was keeping her and Jamie secret for now. Grace knew it was a mess

Grace walked through the village and frowned to herself as she saw Brooke and Ross who were arguing in the street. She looked to her sister and frowned as Ross got off in the car and drove off

"Ross please" Brooke yelled after him as grace walked over to Brooke and frowned as she looked to her

"what happened" grace asked as Brooke looked to her and sighed

"I ruined it that's what happened. I told him I slept with Graham and we fought and he's gone. I think he left me. Graham was using me to get to mum and I messed up. Ross loves and cares for me and I messed up big time and I don't know if I can fix it" Brooke said as she started to cry as grace looked to her sister and hugged her

"I know things are hard but give him time to calm down and hope he doesn't do anything stupid then hopefully you can make it work" grace said as Brooke smiled

"I really don't know he looked angry and I think he might do something stupid and I don't know if I can cope" Brooke said as grace looked to her and smiled

"I know it's hard but you just have to wait" grace said

Grace got to home farm and smirked as she saw Jamie. He looked to her and smirked

"what happened to us keeping our distance" he asked as she looked to him and smirked

"I couldn't stop thinking over you" she said as he looked to her and smirked. He lead her into the lounge and called the door as he pulled her close and kissed her.

She moaned into the kiss as they started to undress each other as he pushed her down onto the sofa.

Grace looked to him and smirked as he climbed on top of her and pulled her close as he pushed into her causing her to moan in pleasure as he started to move in and out of her.

Grace rolled back her head moaning knowing she was torn over everything with her and Jamie

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