Pack Reunion

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"Wow, what?" Scott asked.

I looked over to see the group all looking at me in confusion, probably wondering why I said 'wow'.

"It's just that nothing's changed. For one, I kind of expected Derek to have a nicer place by now. And two, I keep tabs on the pack, so I know that you're all still hanging around the high school. It's a bit weird Scotty."

Scott was shocked and his cheeks went slightly red, but the other just shook their heads in amusement.

"Malia and Allison are working as teachers at the school."

I nod in understanding.

"Still, Mr.true-alpha here treats it like he's still a student. My information has Scott pegged as a potential child predator."

Scott sputtered and Derek and Chris looked concerned, while Peter just smirked at Scott.

"I told you that you were coming across in the wrong way. For one, you shouldn't wave at the students."

Peter added, helpfully.

He and I shared a smirk, an understanding passing between us. Clearly, he'd caught on to my ploy.

I couldn't hold it any longer, as Scott neared combustion redness, and laughed out loud.

"Oh god, Scott, stop. You're making it worse." I continue laughing and clapped him on the shoulder.

"We're messing with you."

Scott paused to look between Peter and I, receiving matching grins.

He then punched me in the shoulder, in retaliation.

"Not cool, bro."

I smirked at him.

"But you make it so easy!"

He shook his head at my response, heading across the road with us all following.

We began to head up the stairwell before I added on my last piece.

"Besides, I need to get it out of my system before we reach the twins."

The group shot me meaning-loaded looks but I just kept marching up the stairs, determined to see for myself that they were 100% okay.

We reached the top after a few minutes and I waited as the others all went through the entrance, closing the door behind me.

I moved around the partition, into the large open-planned room and smiled as I saw the twins, ignoring the surprised pack, for the moment.

They saw me at about the same time and both jumped from where they were sitting, running over.


Ava reached me first and I scooped her up into my arms, hugging her and peppering kisses over her face, causing her to giggle. She settled onto my hip and I opened my other arm as Bruce barrelled into us, pressing a kiss to the top of his head while his arms circled around my stomach.

We stood there for a couple of minutes, until I pulled back slightly and checked them both over, setting Ava down so that I could crouch in front of them both.

"You're both okay? Did the one, that followed you, catch up?"

Ava smiled and nodded her head that they were both okay, while Bruce frowned slightly.

"Ava has a bruised ankle, daddy. It grabbed her before we reached the logs, but I kicked it away and we ran here. It got hit by a car when it tried to chase us across the road."

I nodded and turned to Ava.

"That would explain why it was limping when it came to where I was. Honey, is your ankle sore?"

Ava frowned but reluctantly nodded that it was and I lifted my knee, making her sit on it while I checked the bruise.

It didn't look too bad. A little bit of surface trauma but nothing severe.

"We'll put an ice pack and it'll get all better, baby. Think of it like the injury you got when you did the blind relay."

Ava nodded and smiled as I stood, lifting her up.

Brucie smiled, happy that it wasn't bad, and lead the way over to where they'd been sitting with some very familiar faces, ie Lydia and Malia.

"Stiles?" Lydia asked unsurely.

I nodded but corrected her.

"I actually go by Sam, now."

She nodded and I sat down beside her, with Ava on my lap.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I looked up to see Allison, holding out a cool pack.

I couldn't help but smile at that. She always was attentive and got things done.

"Thanks Ally."

She nodded and moved around to sit with Isaac. I noticed that they had more chairs in the loft now, the large sofas formed a circle that everyone could just about fit on, but there were a few armchairs and chairs at the small table across the room, that members of the pack were also using.

"Brucie, get the slip from Ava's bag?"

He nodded and moved over to get the ankle slip that we always had on hand. Ava was quite prone to tripping and hurting her ankles or hands.

He handed it to me, the pack watching curiously, and I put the ice pack inside, wrapping it around Ava's ankle. It was essentially a sling type of material the had a pocket which could hold a heat or cooling pack and could be secured around the injury with the attached Velcro.

"This happens often?"

I looked over to see Melissa and smiled warmly, nodding.

"Ava got the Stilinski clumsiness. She's quite accident prone."

Ava whined and poked me in the chest, hiding her face in my neck.

"What, baby, it's true. Your nan told me that you tripped over nothing just last week."

She whined louder before leaning against me quietly, they both knew how it worked. It was a game of ours. The more they whined or complained, the more I would continue whatever I was doing or saying.

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