Catching up/ Talk

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It wasn't long before the twins got tired, their adrenaline wearing out and beginning to get sleepy.

It was as Ava yawned for the 4th time, echoed by Bruce, that I finally decided they needed to rest for a bit.

"Hey Derek, that door over there," I pointed at the new addition to the loft, on the far side of the room, "is that your bedroom?"

He nodded that it was and I smiled as I stood up, carrying Ava with me as I went over to the doorway and peeked inside, checking in case he'd had a midnight rendezvous that hung around. When I saw that it was all clear, I walked inside. I set Ava on the bed and pulled off her other shoe, setting them both beside the footboard.

"Brucie! Get in here!"

I waited as the door opened and Brucie peeked in, seeing what I was doing and closing the door behind himself. He took off his own shoes and moved over to us, crawling onto the bed on the other side of Ava.

They both looked at me expectantly and I gestured for them to lift up as I pulled out the duvet and tucked it over them.

"You've both done a lot of running and you need to rest. Just a short nap. I'll wake you up later and then we can have the day that we planned, m'kay?"

They both nodded and settled back into the comfy bed, cuddling together.

"Love you Daddy." They muttered together and I smiled as I pressed kisses to both of their foreheads.

"Love you too. Now, sleep."

They nodded and closed their eyes, doing as they were told.

I smiled and left the room, quietly, so as not to wake them. I could tell that Ava was already fast asleep.

I closed the door gently and turned to Derek, who was looking at me, with an unimpressed brow raised.

"What? You want them to be out here while we talk about the hag?"

Derek moved his brows and I got the message, 'why my room, though?'

"Really, Der, they're sleeping. It's a bedroom, it has a bed. Don't make it so personal."

Derek's brows furrowed and I just shook my head at his, 'whatever'.

"I still don't understand how you do that weird brow talking thing." Scott said and I smiled over at him, sarcasm turned on.

"It's called body language, Scotty. It's a talent that Derek and I share. Well, maybe Peter as well."

I looked over at the man who was leaning against the metal spiral staircase.

He placed a hand over his chest and smirked.

"Compliment accepted."

I leant against one of the pillars and looked around the room, assessing who everyone was.

"Alright, I don't think everyone here knows or remembers me, so introductions are in order."

They nodded in agreement and I looked around the room at who was there.

"Alright, so, we have.... Chris and Allison Argent. Ex-Hunters. Always a pleasure to see you both. Derek and Peter Hale. Werewolves, born not bitten. Again, good to see you both."

I waved at the people that I mentioned, receiving nods and smiles in return.

"There's Scoot, yes, you're Scoot, my best friend and brother. And our love child Liam. Both bitten werewolves."

Scott laughed and moved over, giving me a hug, while Liam complained about not being our son.

"Quiet son."

Funnily enough, he actually stopped talking and went quiet.

"Next is... am I correct in saying Hayden?"

The girl beside Liam nodded and I smiled warmly.

"I've heard a lot about you. Chimera turned werewolf. You're good for Liam. Scott and I approve of you being out daughter-in-law."

She giggled at my words and they both smiled, Liam kissing her cheek, making me smile.

"Next, the beautiful, talented, kind, powerful Lydia and her jackass boyfriend who's a better person now, Jackson. A banshee and a lizard man."

I smiled at Lydia and smirked at Jackson who smirked back and play fully held his middle finger at me.

"Oh, Jackson, never change."

I smiled and looked beside them, at the person that I'd kept the most tabs on. I kind of needed to, being her anchor and all.

"How are you Malia? Truthfully."

She stood and walked over to me, looking unsure.

I smiled and opened my arms, allowing her jump on me, her arms around my neck while she thoroughly scented me.

"I got your message."

I smiled at her words, noticing the weird looks that we were being sent by the others.

I turned my head into Malia's shoulder, kissing the skin on her shoulder, reassuringly.

"I'm glad. I kept tabs on you the most. I had to be sure that you didn't need me to come back."

She pulled out of the hug, her arms still around me, as she spoke. Quiet enough that none of the humans in the room would hear, and the other supernaturals would pretend not to.

"I did need you. I always needed you. But the clothes helped."

I smiled at that. I had continued sending Malia things that had my scent on them, every few weeks. There was a drop point near Deaton's place, where I had one of my guys meet Malia to make the trade. She would return the previous shirt and get a new one with my scent. If she needed more, my guy would pass on the message.

"Good. That's what they were meant for."

Malia pulled away, leaving a kiss to my cheek, and stepped to the side.

Though she was standing closer to me now, leaning against the wall just beside me.

Lydia gave me a pointed look and I shook my head, as I explained.

"I'm Malia's anchor. I wasn't about to just leave her. I had several of contacts watching her. Of everyone that I had tabs on, I had the most on her. I sent something with my scent on it, every few weeks. She would return the previous one and my guy would make the trade for the fresh one."

Lydia looked at Malia incredulously.

"How come we didn't know?"

Malia just shook her head and didn't respond. I looked at her understandingly and smiled when she avoided eye contact.

I then diverted the attention, continuing with introductions.

"Alright, then we've got Mason and Corey. You're dating. Mason's human and Corey's a genetic chimera."

A tilted my head as I looked at Mason.

"Don't think you're weak just because you're human. Being human makes you strong, sometimes stronger than the others. If they were attacked and dosed up on wolfsbane or mistletoe, Scott wouldn't have the strength to break a line of mountain ash. Don't ever let being human make you feel like less. I know the sort of things that it can make you think, when you're surrounded by the supernatural."

Mason nodded and smiled appreciatively.

"Thanks. I think... I needed to hear that from someone who's felt the same way."

I nodded and looked at the last people that I had yet to address.

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