8 - Gala

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Oh, oh yes, she was most definitely smitten.

Smitten by Maxwell Lord, rapidly descending into a crush. Audrey should have scoffed, but instead she ran with it. 

But he wasn't just Maxwell Lord TV superstar to her anymore, he was Max, her business partner, her business friend. 

"Life is good, but it can be better. And why shouldn't it be? All you have to do is want it!"

The commercial she used to roll her eyes at now made her smile, thinking about the man beneath that eccentric  and charismatic persona on screen. Oh, he was still very charismatic in real life, but now she knew him as more than just a successful businessman.

"See you tonight, Audrey!" called Barbara, who was extremely excited for her first museum gala, breaking Audrey from her thoughts - more like a trance - thanks to the TV. 

"Yes, see you later, Barbara." The work day was even wrapping up earlier so that everyone could get ready and prepare for the gala later that evening, and so that the museum could be transformed into a party centre. It was an exciting affair from all sides of the museum. Staff, donors, partners...

Business friends...

"This damn thing has really thrown us, huh," Barbara said, picking up the citrine stone.

"Sure has. But it can wait - tonight we party!" Audrey left the stone on her desk until Monday when they would return to work. For now, she had a gala - and her promise to Max - to prepare for.


"Diana, you're here," Audrey cried.  Her colleague looked ethereal, like a deity in her long white dress. "I thought you didn't like these sorts of events."

Diana's deep red lips turned upwards in a small smile. "I thought I would give it another try."

"Ah, well I'm glad."

"Enjoy your evening, Audrey."

"Thanks, you too." Diana was gone - she seemed like a woman on a mission. 

She caught Barbara as she arrived in a lovely form-fitting black dress. 

"I love this already!" the blonde called before disappearing into the crowd. 

"Dr. Laurel," came a familiar voice behind her. 

She spun around to face him.



"Mr. Lord."



"You look breathtaking!" he cried. 

"Oh, well, I wouldn't go that far-"

"Well I would."

"So it was worth the wait, then?"

"Oh, most definitely worth it!  You look like a goddess!"

"Well, thank you. You look rather dashing yourself," she complimented his black suit and gold bowtie. 

"Why thank you." He flashed her that winning grin and smoothed a hand down the front of his suit.

"We have to go to these kinds of things for work a lot so I've found it's always good to have something formal on hand.

"Well you never disappoint and never cease to surprise me."

"I could say the same about you."

"Well cheers to us, and to this wonderful evening!" They touched their glasses of champagne. "God, it's so loud in here - can we go somewhere? Just me and you?"

Fool's Gold - Maxwell Lord, WW84Where stories live. Discover now