chapter 5: the power of words

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There's no better place to pick back up from where we left off in the previous chapter, then to talk about the power of words and how they have more control over our lives than the credit we give them for it.

But for this chapter, I will simply be revisiting a previously documented lesson in another book of mine, titled "the mouth, the mind and the body."

And we'll begin that by debunking a rumor. "Sticks and stones my break my bones, but words will never hurt me." This is completely untrue and let me tell you why.

There was once an experiment conducted on two growing plants. The first one was spoken to kindly and lovingly, while the other plant was treated with diatribe and was verbally abused. By the time those plants grew, plant 1 grew up to he healthy. Plant 2 became limp. Almost as if the plant itself was depressed. Words were able to even effect the growth of a plant. Still think words are harmless? Let's talk more about what words can and have done.

Neuroscientist Ian Robertson discovered that words can dictate how you respond to a feeling. The example he used was that nervousness and excitement are actually the exact same feeling. But the effect of that feeling is based on the label of that feeling. If you tell yourself "I am nervous" you will, in fact, perform significantly worse than you would if you say to yourself "i am excited." Interesting, right? Well im not done. Here's another important fact about words.

It is scientifically proven that emotions don't affect the way you speak. But the opposite. The way you speak affects the way you feel and your emotions. That being said, if you want confidence, speak with confidence. If you want to be kind, speak with kindness. Everything you want to be, starts with speaking. Everything you want to feel, starts with speaking. So with all that being said, words are very important. Know that words can very well destroy you especially if you direct negative words towards yourself.

See you all in the next chapter.

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