Happy Birthday : Part 9

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The next morning Kiah woke up to an empty bed. She sat up and grabbed her phone off the bedside table and saw she had ten missed calls. All from Bruce. 

"Great." Kiah said rolling off her bed. She slept hard that night. Amazons don't usually get hangovers, perks of being a Demi god, but she was still exhausted. 

Kiah walked over to her bathroom and opened the door. 

"AHH!" She screamed seeing Loki standing in front of her bathroom mirror rubbing a towel through his wet hair.

"Good morning to you too." He said with a grin.

"I thought you had left." Kiah said. 

"Why would I leave? Bored of me already?" 

"Not exactly. I am just surprised you stayed."

"Don't be surprised. I am not leaving, especially now."

"Why is that?" Kiah raised her eyebrow then walked over to the sink attempting to grab her toothbrush. 

"You know why. But also your bat friend called me asking me to join your little mission. Seems you don't know how to answer your phone." Loki grinned.

"Misson? I did see he called me a few times... but why would he call you? And if it's so urgent why didn't you wake me up!?" 

"I assume it's not too urgent because your sister left earlier and told me not to wake you. But bat boy seems to think otherwise."

"Did Arthur leave with her?"

"Nope, Water Thor is still on the couch passed out." 

"Water Thor?"

"Makes sense doesn't it?" 

The two laughed at that. It did make sense. A little while later Kiah called Bruce. On the first ring he picked up.

"Sorry about all the calls. I thought this situation was more urgent than it is." Bruce said.

"No need to apologize. What is the mission? Loki said you had called him." 

"Someone, or something, hacked Victor. But he's back to his normal self. But we need all hands on this. Incase it happens again." Bruce said flatly. 

"How did that even happen?" Kiah asked confused. Victor was the ultimate human super machine. He was Cyborg. He was seemingly unhackable. Or at least that's what they thought. 

"Unsure as of right now. Come in as soon as you can. And bring Loki. He could help assist us in this one. The more help the better. He is one of our own." 

"We will be there soon." Kiah hung up her phone then turned to Loki who was grinning widely while leaning against her bedroom wall. "What?" She asked. 

"Oh nothing. Just that your bat friend needs my help. Feels good is all." Loki said walking out of the room. Kiah followed and they both entered the kitchen. Arthur was up making himself some coffee. 

"Morning." Arthur said flatly not turning his back from the coffee maker. 

"Did you get the call?" Kiah asked him. 

"Yep. Here, take some coffee then we head out." Arthur said. He was in a bit of a mood. He wasn't a morning person. But Kiah knew this. Her, Diana, and him often had nights where they stayed up until morning drinking and laughing. And every morning Arthur was in a mood. 

At the Hall of Justice the table was full of the team. Victor, Bruce, Diana, Clark, and Barry. 

"Welcome. Take a seat we are just going over the plan." Bruce said. "Victor got hacked again while you were on your way over. Turns out our hacker is interested in more than just messing with Victor."

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