God Killer: Part 11

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*authors note*

I am sure it's super annoying that I do a lot of time jumps but I like it so...oh well :) enjoy!



"It's quiet..." Diana said. 

"Too quiet..." Bruce responded. 

"SURPRISE!" A crowd shouted and jumped up and lights were turned on and music started blasting. A large banner hung above a stage in the center of the club reading "Happy Birthday Bruce!"

Bruce laughed a bit then rubbed his forehead with his hand.

"Did you know about this?" Bruce asked Diana embarrassed. 

"Maybe." Diana said grabbing Bruce's hand and leading him to their friends. 

"We rented the entire club for tonight! Don't worry only close friends and family. Didn't want you to be overwhelmed." Barry said enthusiastically. 

"Thanks kid." Bruce said. 

"Happy birthday bat guy." Arthur said giving Bruce a bear hug. 

"So how old are you any way? Let me guess! 178!?" Kiah asked already on her second glass of wine. 

"Sure let's go with that." Bruce winked then turned towards the bar. "I need a drink." 

"I know you aren't a huge fan of celebrating your birthday. But Barry really wanted to do something special for you. Your the thing that keeps us all together. You deserve to have a little fun." Diana said placing her hand on Bruce's shoulder. 

"I'll do my best to enjoy myself. Just don't leave me alone with Arthur he will try to get me drunk."

"Deal." She said with a smile. 

The night was filled with drinking, dancing, and laughter. Even Loki was having fun. He had loosened up a bit sense him and Kiah got together officially. They were dancing together and laughing hysterically when Loki felt a familiar presence behind him. He abruptly stopped and turned his head and saw Dr. Stephen Strange standing across the club with his arms crossed. 

"Fuck." Loki said.

"What is it? You look like you just saw a ghost?" Kiah giggled.

"More like an annoying wizard." Loki said not removing his gaze from Strange. Kiah peeked over his shoulder and saw him too.

"Oh shit." She said. 

Kiah and Loki walked over to Strange, Kiah a little drunk. 

"If you are here for the party. You were not invited!" Kiah joked. Strange wasn't laughing. 

"You need to come back." Strange said with a stern look on his face.

"Why?" Kiah asked. 

"Thanos. We got everyone back. We were winning... but; he's too strong. We need reinforcements." Strange said. Strange looked exhausted... like he had been to war. Loki immediately placed a sobering spell on the room and shut the music down with his magic. A few people groaned and looked over at him. Diana noticed Strange and walked over. 

"What is going on?" Diana asked. 

"We are at war. We will lose if you don't help us. We need your help." Strange said. He then opened a portal to Themyscira. "Will your people help us?" Strange asked Diana and Kiah. 

"They will. I'll go. Can you open a portal for my warriors?" Diana asked. 

"Yes." Strange said then Diana nodded her head to Kiah and stepped through. 

For the Love of Gods (LokixOC)Where stories live. Discover now