Third Wheel (A Ranboo, Tommy, and Tubbo Story)

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WC: 1105

"I'm not the third wheel," Tommy told himself softly, tired lines etched into his sagging face. He let out a heavy breath, a sigh of regret laced with the faintest touch of guilt.

I shouldn't feel jealous of their friendship. They're great together, just like Tubbo and I used to be. Just like Tubbo and I are.

The boy sighed again, deep and despondent, and dragged himself out of his plain dirt home. It was a tiny yet sturdy shack, one that had held strong for months upon months, before the other one had even appeared. A shack that stood in simpler times, when there were no disks, no wars, and certainly no enderboys.

Tommy stood up and brushed off his beige-colored pants. "When I talk to Ranboo, I'm civil," he coached himself. "No insults, and certainly no name calling. That would be out of line."

Tommy flicked a smooth grey pebble at the soft soil that had been drenched by heavy rains the previous night. The stupid stone disappeared easily into the muddy earth, removed by some unknown force, just like he was with his best... with his friend. It was quite upsetting to think about, now that the idea had crossed his mind. After all, he was here first! Why should he be left behind, alone in his tiny shack? Why should he be the one scrambling to grasp for a single scrap of friendship that used to be so freely given?

I can't do this, not right now, he thought darkly. I have to get out of here, escape this cycle somehow.

"Hey, Tommy!"

"Hey, Tub-bo."

"Whatcha up to, boss man?" The boy grinned exuberantly, clearly delighted to see his old friend again.

Tommy glanced at the ground.

Well, he thought. Absolutely brilliant. Just having a mental breakdown because of your marriage with Ranboob. And the fact that you live together. And have a child. Nothing other than that!

Tommy grimaced as the thoughts raced through his head.

"Alright, Tubso. How're you?"

"Great!" Tubbo replied enthusiastically. He gestured towards Tommy, beckoning him to come walk along the Prime Path. "Ranboo and I were planning this really cool build in Snowchester. Oh man, it's gonna be great! Did you wanna help?"

Tommy frowned slightly.

"With Ranboo?" he questioned, his tone light though the query held a snappish undercurrent.

"Well, yeah." Tubbo cocked his head, confusion written all over his face. "Who else would we do it with?"

"I dunno," Tommy muttered, a sour taste flooding his mouth. "I dunno."


Eventually, the two boys arrived at Tubbo's wintry home. Stacks of wood were stockpiled at the entrance of the realm, cleanly placed and assembled in neat bundles. The small farm had recently been replanted, and the harvested crops were taken and stored away.

Tubbo, barely paying attention to his surroundings, stumbled into the pile of the wood. He wobbled in place, wheeling his arms to try and catch balance.

"Oh!" he exclaimed, glancing up quite curiously. "Oh," he repeated, in a more subdued tone.


Tommy let out a sharp burst of laughter. "Phh-haha-hAha-HA!"

"It's not that funny."

"Well, I mean, it really is," Tommy replied, shrugging. A subtle smirk had spread across his lips, a teasing jab toward the other boy.

Tubbo rolled his eyes in return, but in a joking sort of way.

"Alright, alright." He glanced around at the ground, spotting the tidy bundles of wood. He nodded once. "Ah. Musta been Ranboo."

"Ah," Tommy echoed. He managed a small smile, if only for the benefit of his friend.

Unsurprisingly, Tubbo caught on to Tommy's strange behavior. He let out a sigh, and turned toward his oldest friend.

"Listen," he said slowly. "I know we all have our differences and I know you don't like Ranboo for whatever reason, but sometimes you have to shut up and accept it. Don't be a fucking baby. Geez."

Tommy stared wide-eyes, shocked at his friend's sudden tirade.

Tubbo softened slightly. "Because I'm not gonna leave you behind, Tommy. You know we're always going to be brothers. Blood-borne or not, we'll always be there for each other."

Tommy swiped an angry fist against his cheek, feeling the hot, salty tears tickle his skin. He hated himself in that moment, how weak he felt, how alone he was. Because no matter how many times Tubbo told him of their strong, unwavering bond, Tommy wouldn't believe it. Not as long as Ranboo- freakin' Ranboo- stood between them.

"Alright," he managed to choke out. "Alright."

Tubbo stood still, unconvinced. He knew things weren't fixed between them. Tension still hung heavy in the air. But both boys let it be, leaving the simmering tension alone, a problem for another day.

The shorter friend reached his hand out in an apologetic gesture. Tommy grasped it after a moment of hesitation. Then the two boys ventured further into the small wintry town.


"Heeeey Ranboo," Tommy called out. His voice held a dangerous quality to it, a taunting undertone that held a vice-like grip over the conversation. "My enderboy. How're you doing there today, buddy?"

The taller boy blinked a few times, unsure how to proceed after the strange greeting. He coughed softly in his hand, prolonging the already pregnant pause.

"Uh, I'm doing fine," he ventured.

A strange silence fell over the group. Tubbo cast a quick glance at Tommy. How had his mood changed so quickly? The youngest boy caught the stare and grinned. Tommy was used to being a mystery to his friends, constantly shifting styles and personalities. He liked it that way, an element of surprise always within reach.

But in some ways, it mean that no one truly knew the real Tommy. The one who was afraid and lonely. The one who never felt settled, always moving to the next point. Wilbur had been the closest, with his manipulating tongue and bold plans. He had grown into the role of a brother. He had been a confident of sorts, someone Tommy had once trusted. After he had twisted himself and everyone else into his devious schemes, Tommy was shaken. In some ways, he never recovered—- and never would. Perhaps that was why he was scared of losing Tubbo.

The eldest boy broke the silence.

"Shall we begin?"

The group stared at each other for a moment, then grudgingly nodded. As they wandered down the path, they began to chat. An invisible chain had loosened, giving friendships room to breathe, to blossom.

Though faint, there was a chance of a true trio for the odd group.

A chance of together.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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