day in the sun

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The pure sunlight bathed the land below in a bold honey glow, piercing it's warming streaks of sharp light through the ever soft shade of cornflower blue, that enriched the early afternoon sky. The air was clear, as you inhaled a deep breath into your expanding lungs. The weather was rather warm and tainted with the very hint of summer heat, balmy in the way that you could feel the next season beginning to seep it's way into the current spring affair.

The scenery of Hyde Park bloomed to life in an endless sweep of rich hues of deep emerald and lighter chartreuse. The grass fully sprouted in every direction, lending a certain earthy aroma to the softly blowing breeze. The trees budded and bloomed with the shading leaves that canopied the land below, creating a beautiful landscape that seemed to stretch for mere miles beyond. Birds chirped as though they themselves were remarking on the beauty of the newfound weather and the sight of the lively park, but you were much more taken by the sound of the company you found yourself immersed within. 

Daphne Bridgerton, one of your dearest friends in all of London, had invited you along when her mother had announced a family picnic in the park that afternoon. Despite your initial decline of such an invitation, she wouldn't take no for an answer and practically dragged you to Hyde Park with her own two hands. Now, as you sat within their beautiful display of a makeshift canopy tent, crafted of stunning fabrics that seemed to bloom color as the flowers along the distant path did, you were thankful for her headstrong actions.

For the weather felt wonderful as the gentle breeze washed over your skin, clinging to the peony pink material of your flowing frock, spreading warmth against your skin below the lightweight fabric. The environment was a breath of fresh air, after being stuck indoors for days on end by your mother's requests, her endless endeavors this season to keep you ready at all times for any callers that may come by seeking your acquittance. But there was something about being outdoors, submerged in the beautiful nature around you in the bright glow of sunshine, that lightened the weight that perpetually sat in the pit of your chest. 

Daphne hadn't needed to worry about callers, suitors, gentlemen looking to her as she'd been crowed the Diamond of the season. You watched the sparks flying between her and The Duke of Hastings at each and every event they found themselves in the same attendance, even here, she found herself in his company as they began to prepare to promenade. But even as you wished love and happiness for your dearest friend, it didn't ease the worries of your own future as you found yourself with very few callers, and even less that you would ever consider marrying. But there was something about joining the Bridgerton bunch on the warmest day you'd seen in nearly a week, in the stunning surroundings of Hyde Park, that made the fearful thoughts of your future fizzle away as though the worries became tangled within the blowing breeze. 

The sweet singsong echo of your name drew your attention, as your eyes turned from their keen gaze upon young Gregory and Hyacinth Bridgerton's laughter fueled games, to Daphne who made her way towards you. The sun shone down upon her, making the embellishments amongst her silken periwinkle blue fabric glimmer softly in the fresh light. She approached you with a wide smile gracing her lips, as you watched Simon Basset linger on the edge of the sidewalk as Lady Danbury caught sight of him. 

"You ought to come with us!"

Daphne's voice was always the same, filled with a sweetness and kindness that didn't alter no matter who she spoke to. Her tone was always strong and seemingly always sure, and in times when you found your own timidness beginning to overcast, she stepped in for you. 

"I believe I'd feel rather foolish straying behind the two of you by myself." You responded politely, peering up at her through your lashes as you sat in the chair beside her older brother Benedict. Although, you really didn't strive to become the third wheel straying a feet or two behind them, in truth, you much rather preferred the relaxation in the shade of the tent rather than parade amongst the peering eyes of the ton. 

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