his match

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The golden summer sun shone brightly in the clear blue sky, as it casted it's warmth across your shoulders in a gentle breath, bathing the lush green land beneath your feet in it's blinding rays of August heat. The sky a rich azure blue, as though the gentlest cast of a tide washing over the entirety of the blanket stretched vastly above you. The clouds mere puffs of a breathless white as they very nearly disappeared into the deep blue, and the birds that flew along the trail of a gentle breeze, appeared as the softest spots of black flying across the horizon. The timid gusts of wind trickled through the branches of the surrounding foliage and ruffled through the thin blades of finely cut emerald grass, but even as you felt it's soft breaths fan against the bare skin of your neck and the side of your face, it did very little to cut through the heat that engulfed the peak of the day.

Aubrey Hall stood in all of it's remarkable and endearing wonder in the beam of summer sunshine. The land it rested upon as green as you'd ever seen the shade become, as it's grass hadn't a single blade left burnt by the heat of the sun's unrelenting rays. The trees that encompassed the estate, were voluptuous with their bountiful spread of vivid jade and emerald leaves. Tall oaks and sycamores casting a welcome shade upon the ground, as the gentle sight of breathtaking weeping willows were sprinkled within the abundance of towering trees. 

Bounties of freshly bloomed flowers erupted across the paths, as it grew closer towards the garden that echoed the rich breaths of summer and the flora that came along with it. Wisteria in full bloom as it encompassed the exterior on the front half of Aubrey Hall, much as Bridgerton House back in London appeared, engulfing the thick brick with the softest breaths of lavender and a deeper violet touch. Delphinium blooming across the grounds, erupting bold hues of royal blue and a strong willed amethyst purple amongst the landscape of melding green.

The sun shone in bright peaks across the gentle lilac and cherry blossom pink hyacinths that were a must in the gardens, accentuating their natural beauty that could only be beat by the dear Hyacinth Bridgerton herself. Who, at the present time, could not simply be bothered by the surrounding flowers in which she was named after. For she bounded in eager steps right on the very heels of your own, her rather vivacious energy radiating from her bouncing form and her endless chatter, as though her childlike wonder and endless joy beamed as if she was her own source of sunshine. 

"And whatever will you name it if it is to be a girl? Might it be a name starting with A? Mother says it is quite orderly to name the children in alphabetical order, perhaps Anthony feels the same way. But perhaps he does not, and wishes to name it--" Hyacinth Bridgerton, the youngest of the Bridgerton siblings but certainly not the one to be forgotten or overlooked in the slightest, was small as she bounced across the grounds in her pastel pink frock beside you. But the young child, only ten years of age, was full of life in a way you'd never witnessed before meeting the erupting firecracker in the form of Anthony's youngest sister.

Her smile never ceased to shimmer and grow, as her curiosity--reminding you of Eloise's thirst for knowledge from time to time-- knew no bounds. For she had a million questions pertaining to any little thing she could possibly think of, which at her age constituted as the vastest array of topics one could find, and if one was answered it prompted a new question to simply slip in it's place. But her energy was infectious, the glee of a child a welcome sight in the rather snotty and ostentatious crowd of the ton, even when her rambles of endless and unanswerable questions left you rather exhausted, you welcomed her company with open arms. 

The visit to Anthony's ancestral estate, on the breathtaking countryside, began as a small getaway for the two of you. A spontaneous surprise sprung upon you one evening as Anthony climbed into the bed beside you, rather beaming with excitement over his plan to simply whisk you away for a few days alone in the country. Anthony had displayed it, in an effort to perhaps help sway your mind, as a time that would allow him to slip away from the stress of his duties for a few days, and allow the both of you some time alone before the arrival of your first child, due in the cold winter months. Your husband was a rather persuasive man, but as you listened to the way he spoke with such earnest enthusiasm saturating his every word, his hand resting over your swollen belly without even realizing it, as he gazed with excitement twinkling in his honey amber eyes, you hadn't needed a single ounce of persuasion. For a week long getaway, just you and your husband at the estate you loved the best, sounded like heaven itself had stepped down upon Earth just for you. 

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