I don't even know wtf was going on and I apologize for the amount of emojis I used, this is copy and pasted from my notes app.
So basically the first part of it was Mako Mermaids, right? But like, make it half assed quarantine edition.
So okay, this teacher lady I guess broke into our house and found the cove downstairs and just assumed we were mermaids so uhh, okay, I guess.
Then she started testing us or whatever and we were like "nah bitch imma test YOU" and that's what we did. We just tested each other...
Okay so next it was still Mako Mermaids, except I was now Serena. Zac was throwing a pool party cause he's dumb, right?
So for some reason there were a lot of us people there, including this girl from my theatre department at school so fun times.
Then I was myself again rather than Serena.
Then we were playing volleyball and it was wet and I ran inside Zac's room and fell on my face and that blonde guy his friend (Cam?) was changing and I just basically stayed there for a bit before trying to dry myself off. Eventually my legs came back and I was looking through Zac's closet for a shirt Cam asked me for and I gave it to him.
Then as we were about to leave, I was like, "you know, I was the one who told Nixi, Serena, and Lyla not to kill you" and then he hugged me and we left the room together and Zac was listening to our conversation outside of the door so😀
Then the dream sort of shifted? All these characters were gone except Zac and we were at the beach on a school field trip. I was gonna go swimming because swimming in the ocean my ass could disappear and go to fucking Mexico for all I care. My friend was like "um, no." I was going to still do it despite what she said but then...
Well remember when I said half assed quarantine? Yeah, so my 6th grade math teacher came out of no where and said, "there's too many people over there" so I didn't go to Mexico.
Oh, I just remember some weird plot line about a woman who had no top on and was being reprimanded and then I had no top on and Zac went to get mine (dumbass🙄) and uhh yeah I was fine.
Okay then the dream ACTUALLY shifted so I was now about to watch a movie in the theatre (honestly this could all be one dream and I'm just missing parts) and we're all waiting to go in and then we do. My friend, Hailey, is there, as well as Lily, some boys from school I don't care enough to remember the names of, and we're all going to watch the movie, right?
So we watch this movie, and the beginning had some plot about an alien war and maybe I was in the movie? Like my ass jumped into the ending for a split second? And the ending was just them looking at their fallen and Black Widow, Hulk but on CRACK, America's ass, and Bucky Barnes were standing over Iron Man (they weren't even in the movie, so wtf).
Then his body started shaking and it looked like fucking Vision was possessing him and America's Ass goes CHOKE and I'm just sitting there like 🧍🏾♀️and thinking "kinky" and Tony fucking punches the whatever raising out of his suit and he's just... alive, I guess.
And they're all joking around and start making fun of cracked out hulk and being deadass ableist and I'm just sitting there like "hey! Don't do that👍😃"
I should probably mention that he didn't have any disabilities, he was just literally on crack, but they were just saying the r-slur and being ableist.
Minus Bucky, he was just standing there all brooding and sad cause he needs therapy.
Then I'm watching the movie again and it ends and for SOME REASON I'm snapping Hailey parts of the movie like she's not fucking THREE ROWS DOWN FROM ME.
I go "wHoA. tOnY's BaCk" and my aunt appears next to me and goes "uh no. Do you even know who plays him" LIKE THAT CHANGES WHAT HAPPENED IN THE MOVIE AND IM LIKE "yeah😀 RDJ" and she goes "oh"
Then I ✨woke up✨
And cried about Tony✌️😔
Dream Journal
Ficção GeralThis is really just where I write down all of my dreams. Not that good I promise you haha