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Basically, the dream started at my mom's house in my room. The Dolan twins were there except they were triplets. They were filming a video where their ex girlfriends were supposed to get them back so they just laid on the floor by my closet with their lower body under my bed. The girls (and guy for the triplet guy) were on top if the bed looking down at them.

There were also three other girls there to sexually assault the boys for some reason. That's all they did, just rut against them while music played. Also while the music was playing, the girls were lip syncing and then slowly climbed on the boys (that one guy was just staying on the bed).

After a good long while (they sang a Justin Bieber song), the girls and one guy were about to leave and then the Dolan twins were like "wait. Wait wait wait." And they sounded pretty annoyed. The other one said "we'll take you back." And everyone kissed.

Then the third brother saw his boyfriend and was like "this is why I don't like girls" and then they kissed and lived happily ever after.


Nah, some short dude burst into the room (he looked suspiciously like Mickey from Shameless) with other dudes and turned to the third brother like "um you have a boyfriend? But he's not trans?" And the third Dolan was like, "yeah. I know."

"What about Charli D'amelio! Weren't you too dating?"
(I should mention this guy is wearing reddish armor and a thing covering his face)

"Yeah but she doesn't know I'm gay."

The guy looked pretty confused and then he decided he was gonna kill the third brother's boyfriend (me). So everyone starts fighting and third brother and I are just kinda vibing until crazy guy comes over, now with two screwdrivers protruding from his eyes.

He's blind now.

I run out of the room and he's following me with two knives. I kind of just run in and out of different rooms (there's a fourth one next to my mom's now). I run into the new room and shut the door and Ellen DeGeneres is like "wtf" and goes to open the door and crazy guy stabs his knives through it.

So Ellen is dead.

More of a chase, I go down stairs to the basement, crazy guy follows me, I get to random strangers to piss on him, I hit him over the head with a metal chair.

Chase, chase, chase, chase.

We make it back upstairs and I stab him with two knives through the sides of his head, aka, his ears.

Now he's deaf.

More of a chase and I eventually stab him in his back multiple times and he finally drops.

Oh yeah, and before this part of the dream, I was myself and my dad made garlic bread and I was like, "yay!" For some reason I was also in virtual class doing school.

My dad walks up to me with the hot tray of garlic bread and repeats that it's ready and I'm like, "cool" and then he drops the hot tray on my lap and I freak out cause it fucking burns so I throw it down on the ground and he yells at me for spilling the garlic bread, and I'm like, "wtf are you talking about? This was your fault." And then he says that was the last of the garlic bread and I ruining everything so naturally, I have a mental breakdown on the floor.

Then I dreamt about famous people relationships and a crazy guy accidentally murdering Ellen DeGeneres before purposefully I murdered him.

The End

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