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So the first part if this dream started off in a basketball stadium and my summer camp counselors were on the court in camp shirts to say something before the game. It was Lauren, Ingi, and I don't remember the other two but one was blonde.

They talk a bit and Lauren says good luck to her brother who I guess is playing and then the camera (my mind, whatever you want to call it) pans out and it's just me and my friend Amy watching a video and we call my friend Kaylee to tell her about Lauren and we just freak out.

Then my dream goes black and turns into a different dream.


I think the dream starts off in a carnival sort of place and me and the other kids my age go into these tunnels that are supposed to be a maze/funhouse, but it wasn't very fun.

There were no colors.

It was just steel metal so we just crawled through that and whatnot. Once me and the others got to the end, we sat on these benches and this nice guy was like "okay, so now I want to know what questions you would ask God when you met him." And he talked a bit about God and the woman sitting next to me just despised me for some reason but whatever.

When the guy got to me, I asked some questions.

Are jokes allowed in heaven?

I understand sodomy is a sin and people who are gay do this, so it's a sin, but what's your stance on asexual gay relationships?

What's your stance on asexual relationships in general?

It's not written in the Bible, so do you actually have a problem with people who are transgender or did some members of the fandom just put words in your mouth (if you have a mouth)?

Did you actually condone slavery?

Will I still get into heaven if I were to off myself?

Would I be allowed in heaven if I have depression?

Yeah stuff like that as my questions and the woman sitting next to me just kept glaring at me and she said something like "sodomy is a sin young lady."

And I'm like, "yeah, I know. But it's sort of strange, isn't it? Because at the Christian school I went to, all of the girls and guys would just have anal sex so that it wouldn't be considered sodomy, right?"

Um, I've never been to a Christian school, so I don't know wtf I was talking about.

"While I don't agree with their actions, I think it was clever thinking." The woman said.

"Right, but they're just doing the same thing that gay couples do."

"*scoff*.... are you a fag or something?"

"No, ma'am. Just someone who believes in equal rights and the respect of others and their religions, sexual orientation, pronouns, and whatever else, you know?"

"You respect the sins of others?"

"Not everyone is apart of this religion, so telling them they're sinning to a god that they don't believe in isn't going to change their life."

Then the woman got up with her daughter and walked away and as her daughter passed me, she sort of tried to make a mean noise but it sounded more like a moan, so I just said "did you just moan? Hey, lady! I think your daughter might have a crush on me!"

And then I woke up.

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