The Destruction of Yesterday

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Yesterday. Isolation. Death. Those three words rang in my head as I sat down near the brittle edge of my abandoned oasis, tossing petals of the remaining flowers that stood confidently around my home. The breeze took the seeds discarded by the fluffy dandelions that were at my side. I walked into my once enthusiastic home filled with the silenced electronics that met their death with the execution of force. I laid upon my bed, void of the addiction of video games and sitcoms. I guess it's the way things are now.

Yesterday. I walked with my brother through the streets of the bustling skyscrapers that towered above our heads in New York, gazing at the small lumps of feathers that peck at the wheat tossed by the common strolling man. People blasted the tunes of tomorrow until the ears of their neighbors deafened. The beautiful city of lights shined upon our faces, making us forget about our worries. The lady in the distance covered in metals had a serious expression stood in the distance reminding us about how our freedom has been given to us, despite the horrid actions our ancestors took part in between disputes. Or will Lady Liberty suffer the actions of humanity?

Yesterday. I gossiped with my friends in the hallway, talking about our future boyfriend and the new phone that came out the other day. I tapped my pencil that stood before me in the presence of a language I had no clue about, even though we had been ingraining it in our minds for the past few weeks. I argued, I cried, I looked for revenge. It all led up to getting expelled, freeing me from the gates of imprisonment and brain damage.

Yesterday. I lay asleep in my pillows, in fear of the end. 6:13 P.M., 19th public announcement trhrough television reminded humanity about the Object, coming towards us in radiant colors. Back in 199Y, we learned about and incoming entity that frightened the nations. After the composition of mathematicians and physicists, it eventually became aware to the public that we would meet our ends in 200E. Humanity was dead. It was official. Eventually, the population didn't care about their futile lives; nothing could be done.

Death. My ears erupted in blood, murdered by the ambush in the night. The floor was filled with puddles of vomit, escaping my mouth against my will. The lights flickered. The ground rumbled. The moon grinned. It happened... and I was dead.

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