Letters from the Marble Tower

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"The Unification has arrived, sir." Breathed the messenger, with a shortened breath. The slim man gaze out the window ominously, with an ingrained frown on his face. He lift a finger and stated directly to the messenger, "To the execution room they go, we will not allow any threat to stop our ways.".

The coward messenger stumbled out of the blank space, with the glare of light vividly bouncing off the floor. The man extracted a pen from his pocket and pressed the ink on paper. After several scribbles, the man decided to call in another servant, a meaningless person to this story named Timothy.

"Imbecile, take this letter to the printing plant and tell the messengers to deliver them to all the people that still dare to live on this planet. Oh, and don't you dare look at it, you fool." snapped the man, Timothy, like the previous messenger, tripped out of the room nervously.

However, Timothy couldn't help his curiosity and glanced into the paper, sealed with a ring. The following was a shock to the small ant, trapped in a broken world.

Small people of the world, it is
---Poot. It's not done yet. Please leave a comment telling me how to improve my writing!--

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2015 ⏰

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