Grocery shopping

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LOUIS: "hey lets get some carrots! You know I love those!" Lou says as you're walking down the produce section. "I suppose we could get some carrots." You say he jumps up and down. "You are the bestest girl in the word! Come here!" He says planting a kiss on your lips, grabbing your bum.

ZAYN: "hey, are you done yet?" He says, snaking his arms around your waist. "Almost, Zayn," you say, getting annoyed. It's the third time he's asked. When you're finally done, Zayn leads you to the car, puts the bags in for you and kisses you on the lips. "Sorry I was so impatient, (Y/N), I love you!"

NIALL: you're walking through the store with your boyfriend, Niall, and he's grabbing almost everything on the shelves. "Babe, can we get this? What about this? This?" You finally give in and let him get whatever he wants. You leave with a mounded over cart and a very happy Niall. "(Y/N), your amazin!" He says, then kisses you.

LIAM: "but, (Y/N), that's not on the list, we need to stick with the list." You want to buy a box of chocolates. You ask just one more time. "Please, Liam, please?" You beg. He makes his thinking face. "Okay. You can get them. For one kiss." You act mad. "Liam, no. I'm not kissing you.." He gets a worried expression in place of his joking one. "I'm sorry. You can get the chocolates. No charge, just don't be mad!" You laugh. "Liam, I'm kidding." And you kiss him, putting the candy in the cart.

HARRY: "I think we'll need these." Your boyfriend, Harry, whispers in your ear, dropping in the cart a box of condoms. You take them out."no, Harry." He pouts. "Come on, (Y/N), please?" You think for a bit, "get them. But that doesn't mean we'll need them." You say sternly. He kisses you passionately, right in the middle of the produce section. "We will." He whispers in your ear.

(A/N) ok, so there's the first! :) you like? One comment an ill update! Cuz I'm nice! :P

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