He upsets you and feels bad part 2

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LOUIS: as you lay on your bed, you hear Louis banging on the door. "(Y/n)! Please. Just let me in." You sit up and to go to the bathroom and you can hear him straighten up, but after you close the door he sighs. Later that night, at around 12:00 am, you realize you can't sleep without him, so you sneak out of the bedroom and find him and the couch. You wake him up gently and ask him if he wants to sleep on the bed. His eyes light up and he wraps his arms around you, pulling you to his level. "I love you, (y/n)" he whispers into your hair.

ZAYN: (his POV) "go home" Louis says, pointing to the door. "What do you mean?" I ask, somewhat sober. "Because. You made a n idiot move with (y/n)." I cross my arms over my chest. "I don't wanna go." He grabs my arm. "But you are" he drags me out and drives me home. There, I walk upstairs and find (y/n) asleep. I decide to go to the bathroom and then sleep on the couch. I'll talk this through with her tomorrow. As I pull up my pants, I see three boxes in the trash. Pregnancy test boxes. Oh no. I look around the bathroom and finally find the actual tests. Three positive. Oh god. What have I done? "(Y/n)!" I shout, unable to hide the smile on my face. She sits up suddenly and looks around the room. I walk out of the bathroom and her eyes widen. "Zayn, I'm so sorry. I... Are you mad?" She sounded scared. "No. No no no! I'm happy!!!" I rush over to her and take her in my arms. "I'm the one that's sorry. I shouldn't have acted like that. And especially now cuz you're having my baby!"

NIALL: you lay sobbing on your bed and hear a crash in the living room. You open your door just a crack and look. Niall is throwing things around, shouting. You slowly walk out of the room and see a calendar on the couch, with the date circled with a red heart. Niall eyes go to you and he stops what he's doing. "Baby. I'm so sorry." He says, sounding sad. "I-I thought you forgot." You say quietly, messing with your hands. "No. I..." He sighs. "I had something planned for today... And I was stressed, so I went over to Lou's and he said one drink wouldn't hurt, but you know me, I went over board..." He looks down "I guess I got my mind off of too many things." You step closer to him. "What had you planned?" You ask, curious. "I was gonna tell you how I feel. I was going to tell you that I loved you. Probably too much for my own good, actually." You kiss him softly, and take his hand. "It's only 10:30... We could still go somewhere." And with that, Niall takes a cold shower, changes his clothes and takes you to the park for a moonlit picnic.

LIAM: (his POV) "hey, dude are you okay?" I sigh. "Not really, Harry." He sits next to me with his pizza. "What happened? You've been acting weird for the whole hour we've been here" my mind drifts to (y/n). Why didn't I just stay with her? I tell him what I did and he gives me an understanding smile. "You could have cancelled on me." I sigh, frustrated. "I know that now! I wasn't thinking clearly." Harry, takes a bite of his pizza. "Go find her." I nod and rush out of the building, calling her as I go. "(Y/n)?" I say when she picks up. "Yeah Liam? Hurry up, or I'll miss the movie." I think for a moment. "The movie?" She says "yeah I ended up going with (y/f/n)." I bite my lip. "Oh... Well, I'll be home if you need me..." I'm about hang up when I hear "wait!" I put it back to my ear and she asks me if I want to watch it with them. I say no and that night, me and (y/n) had a movie night of our own, ending in cuddling on the couch, with our soon to be babies.

HARRY: "(y/n), I didn't mean it!" Harry shouts from the door, trying to open it to find it unlocked. You throw a pillow in his direction and through your tears ask "then why'd you say it?" He sits on the edge of the bed. "I was angry. I lost control. I really don't believe it. You're beautiful, (y/n)." He grabs your hand and you lean into him, crying into his chest. He kisses the top of your head. "I love you, sweetheart." You snuggle closer to him. "I love you too."

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