Boyfriend breaks up w/ u

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LOUIS: You're crying so hard and all you want is someone to comfort you. The first person that comes to mind is your best friend, Louis. You go over to his house and when he sees you he wraps you in a hug. (Y/N), what's wrong?" He says gently into your hair. "(Boyfriends name) broke up with me!" You sob into his shirt. "Oh, sweetie, come with me." He leads you into the kitchen and makes some Yorkshire tea. "What am I going to do?" You ask him. He turns around. "Be my girlfriend." You look at him. "Wh-what?" You ask. "(Y/N)," he says, "would you go out with me? Ill never break your heart like (boyfriends name) did." You look at him more closely, trying to see if he just pulling another joke. You nod. He walks over to you and kisses you. "Now, stop crying, love. I don't like to see my girlfriend crying." He says, kissing you again.

ZAYN: after you find your boyfriend cheating on you, you text Zayn telling him what happened and asking if he can come over. He arrives at your house and you let him in. "I can't believe he'd do this! I cant! Why would he-" you're shut up by Zayn's lips on yours. You pull away. "What was that for?" He blushes. "(Y/N), you're so beautiful when your angry, I couldn't resist." You blush. "(Y/N), I want to be able to do that whenever I want" he whispers. "Then do it again." You challenge. "I will" and he does.

NIALL: Your boyfriend breaks up with you right in front of Niall, your best friend. He looks up at you when (Boufriends name) storms out. "(Y/N)." He says, concern dripping from every word. "Are you okay?" He walks over to you, taking your hand. "I'm fine." You say. "I just didn't expect it." He pulls you closer to him and whispers "will you give me a chance now? Ill love you forever. I already do. Just one chance is all I ask." You can't believe what you're hearing. "Really, Niall?" He says yes. You look into his blue eyes. "Okay." You smile against his lips as he kisses you.

LIAM: '(boyfriends name) broke up with me' you text your best friend Liam. 'Ill be right there' was his reply. When he arrives, you invite him in. He sits on the couch. You explain to him how it happened and he tells you that you deserve much better. You look up at him. "Like who?" You ask, hoping you know the answer. "Me." He says, crashing his lips to yours. You were right.

HARRY: "you're a jerk! I never want to see you again!" You send the text to your boyfriend. Harry, sitting next to you on your couch, looks up at you, hurt in his eyes. "(Y/N), what did I do?" You quickly look at your phone. You sent the message to Harry. "I'm sorry, I meant to send that to (Boyfriends name), not you." He relaxes. He gives you a cheeky smile. "So now you're single?" He asks in a sexy voice. "Yes, Harry." "Then I'm going to kiss you." You blink. "Why?" You ask. "Because, (Y/N), I've always loved you." He says gently kissing you. It's not long until the kiss heats up.

(A/N) ok so for the next update, I need two comments. :) and they have to be like legit comments. Feedback, suggestions for the next update and such! :) ill do almost anything. Only unless its bad against the boys. :) or you cutting. Yeah let's stick to happy! :)

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