You take him fishing/hunting

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Louis: You had been dating Louis for 3 years and decided to take him home to your parents, which is a little more difficult than it may seem because they lived in Missouri while you and Lou live in London. On the flight, Louis asks if you would take him out to do things you did while growing up. You say yes and he smiles. You decide you'll take him deer hunting. When the day comes, Louis comes toward you with red skinny jeans and a white shirt on. You shake your head. "Louis that's not gonna work." He looks down at what he's wearing. "Why? What's wrong?" You laugh at his expression. "Well you can't really wear that to the woods." He blushes. "Sorry... It's all I have, though." You grin and tell him you'll be right back. You go to your brother's room, who is about the same size as Louis and tell him you're borrowing some clothes for Louis. He says whatever and you take some. You give them to Louis and he smiles and tells you hell be right back. When you get to the woods, Louis seemed to understand that you have to be quiet. When you were in the stand, he kept looking down but didn't say anything. When a deer finally came up, it was a huge buck, a 12 point, with a huge rack. Louis whispers and asks what to do. You hand him the gun and tell him to put the red dot of the scope right above the heart. He does and pulls the trigger. The deer goes down and you hug Louis tight. "You did it, babe!" You say and climb down, him following you. "I did it! I killed a deer!" He kept saying.

Zayn: You and Zayn were around your hometown and you wanted to go turkey hunting with him. He'd been hunting before, once or twice with his dad's friend, so knew the basics. You go to your house and both of you get all dressed up, Zayn borrowed clothes from your brother. Out in the woods, in the hut, a big jake walks up with a long beard. You ask Zayn if he wants to shoot it and he's nervous, but says yes. He gets it in the head, surprisingly, and you're proud of him.

Niall: He's wanted to go hunting ever since you started dating, but he's never had the time. He's on break from tour, and he has two weeks before interviews start. "What a better time than that?" He kept saying. So you took him to the cabin about a mile from your family's house and decide to hunt some squirrels, as they were in season. You get your .22 and another for Niall. You go out into the woods with your squirrel dog, and he instantly trees one. You find the squirrel and show Niall what to do, hitting it in the head. The next one he lets you get, but the one after that, you made him try. He puts his gun up and shoots, hitting its back leg, and it falls, you shoot it and go get it. "This is hard work!" Niall says "and there's not even that much meat!" You chuckle and tell him to wait till he eats them.

Liam: he had been fishing before, but only in the ocean, and he wanted to go fishing how you used to. So you took him to the lake on your family's farm. You end up having a contest who could catch the most and the biggest fish. You lose both and he feels bad, so promises you he'll take you out to a fancy dinner with a surprise.

Harry: you and Harry needed something to do, and there was a river in the area, so you suggested going fishing. He says okay, nervous as to what was going to happen. You gather up all the fishing supplies you need from Walmart and head to the river. You sit on the bank and string up yours and Liam's pole. "Okay, Harry. hold on right here, and pull it back like this, swing it forward and push the button about halfway through. Okay?" He swallows. "I think so..." You cast and then help him. After about 6 tries he casts it a good distance away. "Good job now wait and when there's a jerk like" you pull on the line, imitating a fish, "that, you jerk it back okay? And then you spin this to real it in. Got it?" He nods and about three minutes later, he jumps and jerks the pole back. He starts reeling it in really fast and a big smallmouth bass hops out of the water. "It jumped!" He says happily. "Yeah, now keep reeling it." He reels it all the way in and afterwards post a picture on twitter of the two of you and him holding the fish.


Another preference, YAYYY!!! :) uhm, comment any suggestions you have, or message me. I try to do as many of them as I can, but for some of the more popular ideas, everything I think about that could work, has already been done. So that's why I haven't done some of the suggestions. Another reason is I don't do the sad ones (ie. your child dies, you have a miscarriage, he dies saving you) because I'm generally a happy happy person! So I don't like those because they make me cry. :'( so spare me my tears and don't suggest them please!! On a happier note, I have more preferences coming! I hope you're excited. Thanks for reading this.... OH!!!! I about had a conniption fit when I seem how many reads this has! Cuz I was gone four days at youth camp and when I left I had like 15,000 which made me happy, but when I got back I'd made it to 20,000+ and I was jumping around my room and my mum walked past and she's like "Samantha, are you okay?" And I said "I have 20,000 reads!!!" And she just walks away. Haha. Okay ima end this now. Give me some suggestions!

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