From A Maid To A Host [~3]

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Recap: I Nodded and grabbed Kira's hand before she could strangle anybody, and I pulled her towards the curtain. " There's a set of jackets in here". She went off of rage mode and turned towards me. " Good, because I wasn't staying in this little piece of skimpy revealing shit all day..." I laughed at her remark.

~Natsu's POV~

"Have you ever woken up in a bed that wasn't your own, and then didn't have a clue how you got there. No? Didn't think so..But That my friend is what I believe is happening."

I shifted and turned in the bed, and after a few seconds I opened my eyes a bit, not quite ready to say hi to the world, but this time, my eyes weren't assaulted by the sun. I was face to face, yet again, with Mitsukuni Haninozuka.

I would have screamed my head off, IF, he didn't have the same blood type as Kyoya, but who am I to talk. Of course I know better than to wake him, but I wont get any answers if I don't. So I took a risk, and I gently shook him. He tilted his head up and yawned. It seems he had sufficient nap time, because he didn't kill me as soon as he saw me.

"Oh...Natsu-chan, its just you~..." He said wiping his eyes, seems they haven't adjusted to the morning light.

"Sorry for waking you up Honey-sempai, but I'm curious...where am I, and why are you here?" I asked with an unknowing look on my face. I mean I appreciated that I wasnt laying on the ground, but he wasnt the first face I wanted to see in the morning.

He gave a confused look and then I guess It snapped. "You mean you don't remember?, you and Kira-chan worked so hard yesterday that you fell asleep almost as soon as you sat on the sofa, we don't know where you and Kira-chan stay so I decided to take you to my place, and Hika-chan and Kao-chan took Kira-chan". I knew that Kira was in for a surpise when she woke up, but she cant possibly blame this on me, could she?

"Tama-chan protested but he was left with no choice, so I just had Takashi carry you here and, well, that's where that ends." I blushed at the sudden thought of Takashi carrying me, which probably wasn't the right time or place but hehe, how could I resist?

~Kira's POV~

I can consider myself a morning person, so as soon as I woke up my eyes were open and ready for the day, but something wasn't right. Not the fact that I don't remember getting into bed but that I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and another pair wrapped around my neck.

I know it wasn't Natsu because we were too old to still be scared of the dark, and as little kids, when it was dark we would hug each other and eventually fall asleep, but I was also confused at the extra set of arms. As out of reflex, my head jerked to the side, and I saw my worst nightmare. Hikaru and Kaoru, were in the same bed as me, and sexually assaulting me with their arms.

So I did what any logical person would do, First, I lifted the covers up to make sure I was still fully clothed, and then, I screamed like hell.

~~Timeskip To School~~

~Natsu's POV~

So, after I figured out why I woke up in a bed that wasn't my own, Honey and I headed off to school. I wasn't even applied, but since I had the uniform, Thanking Kyoya later by the way, I was just looked at as a new student.

I caught up with Kira after classes and we went straight to Music Room #3. Except there was no one there, just a column with a blue vase sitting on top. (Taboo much?).

"Do you think we should come back late, maybe were early?" I heard Kira ask me, except I was already up close admiring the vase.

"Yeah yeah, sure, just give me a second, isn't this vase beautiful Kira?" She came up close to the vase as well admiring it.

"Yeah I guess it is, look at the design, its so unique..." But then the door suddenly opened, causing us to jump and slightly hit the rim of the vase.

"Shit, catch it Kira!" I don't know why I told her to do that, it should have been the other way around, her athletic skills aren't the best.

"I got it!" She dived towards the vase, her aim way off, instead of being under the vase, she slid and went under a table. And I watched the vase slowly fall, break, and shatter into pieces.

"Dumb ass, I told you to catch the vase, not the table!" I yelled towards her.

"Well sorry but gravity doesn't always agree with me!" She yelled back at me. She slid from under the table and walked towards me as we were now only staring at the remains of the beautiful piece.

Forgetting the door opened, it was unknown to us that Kyoya was watching this scene play out from behind us.

"Oh what a shame, we just got that vase fixed and ready for the viewing..." We heard Kyoya say.

We instantly turned around, shocked by his presence. Dam, we were definitely in trouble now and there was no way to hide what we've done.

"Eh, Kyoya-sempai, were really sorry about the vase..." Kira started.

"But to be honest, you did kinda surprise us, opening the door all of a sudden like that, which did kinda cause us to bump the vase..." I finished.

"Oh, are you claiming this situation to be my fault?" Kyoya said as he started writing in his black book, the glint of his glasses nearly blinding me.

"Pfttt, y-your fault, no w-way sempai..." I said trying to cover it up, getting chills again. I knelt down and pulled Kira down with me. "Since its obviously our fault, we will clean it up!" I spat out quickly and began picking up a piece.

"Natsu, wait be carefu-" Kira was cut off as I cut my finger on the glass and blood began to seep out.


"Oh great, look at what you've done now, I wish you wouldn't rush into things like that Baka!" She yelled back at me.

Forgetting Kyoya was still here, we were still in our own little world. He sighed and closed his black book, walking over and knelt down taking my finger in his hand.

"Kyoya-sempai, what are you..."

He wiped the blood off my finger, putting a band-aid on it and he sighed. "Well, since you've broken our unique, one of a kind, 8 million yen vase , you can both pay off that debt by joining the host club, but of course you will be entertaining boys instead of girls". He put on a sweet fake looking smile.

"I doubt we get a say in this..." I mumbled

"Well do we sempai?" Kira asked.

"Not exactly, of course if you prefer to pay me up front that's fine, but you could always pay me, with your body..." He said looking straight at Kira wearing a little smirk on his face.

"Um, T-that's fine s-sempai, actually joining the club doesn't sound like a bad idea...anymore..." She said averting her eyes while I controlled my laughter.

"Then its settled, report to this club room tomorrow at 6:00, that's when it starts." He said standing up preparing to leave. He looked at his watch," Its simply only 5:15, your early today..." He added as he began walking away.

I would have stay silent but I forgot to thank him. "Hey sempai, thanks, for the band-aid, you actually seem like a nice person..."

He looked back, "Oh don't mention it, but I simply did that because I cant have a new host hurt on the job." He opened the door and walked out.

"Sure sempai, I know you didn't do it for that reason..." I said to myself.

Kira still stared at the door, so I leaned in and whispered in her ear, " You could always pay me, with your body..." I said with a teasing tone and her head jerked to face me. "Kyaaaa!" She cupped her hand over her ear trying to block me out. "S-Shut up..." She said completely flustered looking away as I chuckled.

~Kyoya's POV~ (Special)

I walked out and closed the door behind me. "Hmph...a nice person eh?...that's an interesting its own way." I said to myself.

~~To Be Continued~~

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