The Reconcile [~18]

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~Natsu's POV~

Well, you could say that things have settled down since we started this whole revenge thing. So far, Kira had been kissed by Tamaki and stuck in a closet with a sweet deprived Honey, I was assaulted by Hikaru and Kaoru, and had to face the wrath of a morning Kyoya, and not just once or twice, no, every.

Lets recall past events shall we, lets start off with how I was rape-... assaulted by two twins.

~About Three Days Ago~

I finally arrived to the Host club room after school, if I was even one second late, that just one more thousand dollars added on to my debt.

"Made it!" I exclaimed throwing my hands up as soon as one foot stepped on the room tile.

"Its about time..." Kyoya stated writing evil ish down.

"What do you mean, its about time?" I mimicked him in a weird voice.

"Your one minute late, you should have been here exactly after the clock struck 6:15, not before or after..." He said pointing to the clock in defense.

"But the guests don't arrive exactly aft-" I was silenced as a wave of fangirls flooded the club room.

I looked towards Kyoya as I was nearly ran over and he just smirked turning away from me.

"What the actual fuck...its like he planned this all out..." I muttered walking towards the sweets table where Honey and Mori where, until a magical force pulled me the opposite way.

"...fucking tax collector, lets just get some sweets an-Gah~!" When my eyesight was stable I saw what the magical force was or to be precise, forces were.

None other than whoop-dee-flupping-Hikaru-and-Kaoru-doo.

"How's it going Yuri-chii?" Hikaru asked staring down at me in a weird way.

"I was fine until...wait, what the fuck did you just call me?" I grimaced at what he addressed me as.

"That doesn't matter, you should come with us to the changing room Yuri-Chii~" Kaoru said in a weird tone.

I just decided to keep my calm. "Why don't you get Kira to go to the changing room with you?.." I asked hoping it would give me the answer and to why they were trying to abduct me.

"Well, since Kira is always to busy with Kyoya to play with us..." Hikaru started.

"We have to find a substitute, so now..." Kaoru continued.

"Your our new toy~" They said in unison.

"I never agreed to that, is there like a contract or something, is this Kyoya's doing?" I said looking around.

"Nope, just for fun..." They said in unison and started pulling me away towards the changing room.

"And what exactly do you mean by fun?..." I asked nervously.

"Oh you'll see..." They said in unison again and I swear to motherflupping God I saw Hikaru lick his lips, that scared me more than Kyoya.

I tried to catch someone's attention without making any noise but suddenly no one was looking. Mori was to busy with Honey to save me, and I doubt Kyoya even cared but I saw Kira smirking at me.

"You fucking piece of flup...HELP!RAPE!" I screamed not bothering to be quiet anymore, what happened after that, I don't feel like going in to detail, buts I was barely saved when the twins started to assault me, turns out they just wanted me to think that they were plotting something, all they did was viciously tickle me with no mercy in the changing room until I was gratefully saved by Mori still laughing like a bubbly mess.

~Present Day mind state~

Well that happened, with the Kyoya situation, I'm not even sure how I ended up in his bedroom, better yet I'm not even sure how I ended up 5 feet near the building.

Let's just say two people with the AB blood type, does not cause for a happy morning.

~One of these mornings ago~

Let's get this straight right now, when I woke up, I was paralyzed with fear, and not from the fact that I woke up on carpet and not my bed.

I was in Satan's bed room. And by Satan I mean Kyoya, I was already pissed off from waking up and being on the ground but he's here too.

I got up and tried to open the door, piece of shit was locked.

"Dammit..." I looked to Kyoya and glared.

"EH FUCKING TAX COLLECTOR, WAKE UP AND OPEN YOUR DAM DOOR..." I have a bit of a split personality when I wake up and opposed to a few hours after I wake up.

He opened one of his eyes and glared at me.

"Nastu?...Why the hell are you in my house...and why the hell are you screaming?" He said completely calm and I took it as a threat.

"Are you trying to start something Ootori, is there a problem? And in yelling because your door is shitty and it won't fucking open!" I said twisting and pulling the knob repeatedly.

"You might want to be cautious of your tone in my domain, and if
You want to leave, go through the window." He said getting up and putting on his glasses so he could come and open the window.

"We're three stories up, do you want me to fucking die?" I asked with an angry tone. I wouldnt dare use that tone if it was later in the day, but that's my morning side for you.

"I never said that but do as you please, I can't stop fate" Kyoya narrowed his eyes at me.

"THAT WAS A FUCKING THREAT!" I released my anger by tackling Kyoya, oh yeah, I'm not going to the club today.

And from there, Kyoya showed me his angry side, did you know he could actually yell, he definitely lost his calm cool.


At the club later that day lets just say me and Kyoya both looked a fucking mess, I had a bandaid on my cheek and above my eyebrow, and he had an ace bandage wrapped around his wrist, and we still had bed hair, I'm not
going to say who won our conflict.

But everytime we made eye contact we walked away from each other and when we had questions we didn't face each other or we answered with a simple "Hmph".

"I wonder what happened to you Natsu..." Kira passed me and I heard the smirk in her voice.

"IS THAT A THREAT?!" okay I was still kind of pissed off, and that's the exact way the fight with Kyoya started, today is just not my day.

~Present Day mind state again~

So those are the past things that happened in this week. But I had to make up with Kira eventually.

I walked to Kyoya's house because I don't know where else she would be, I knocked on the door and gave her the tiny turtle it took me an hour to catch at the beach and she put a dwarf hamster on my head as if she knew I had a gift for her and Kyoya stood in the background.



"...I love you..." I started.

"...I love you too.."She replied.

"What the hell is happening?" Kyoya asked.

"...Be my Takashi again?..." I asked.

She pulled out butter knives and threw them in a random place. "...Of course...".

"...I'm sorry I made Tamaki kiss you..."I told her.

"Wait what?" Kyoya asked confused.

"And that I locked you in a closet with Honey, who had no more sweets..." I finished.

"I'm sorry Hikaru and Kaoru tickled you and you got into a fight with Kyoya, and lost" She said hugging me.

"I won but not the point..." I hugged back and we skipped away somewhere while
Kyoya held the hamster and turtle.

"Can I get an explanation?" Kyoya asked in the background.

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