Blanket fort VIKTOR X READER

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Being stressed and worried was usual for the both of you. Viktor stressed with practice, you stressed with school work it was just how you to worked. Neither of you did anything about it though. You were tired of it, you left class earlier and went to the store to get snacks plus candles.

Once you got back you quickly got to work. You carefully put the blankets up and made the bed. It took a while to make it perfect but it was worth it. You put lights up and checked the time. Perfect Viktor would be home in like 10 minutes.

You got the candles out carefully arranging them and lit them. You hadn't got a ton of snacks but you grabbed what you bought putting them on the bed gently. *click* you heard, you quickly got up and ran to the door. "Baby!" You squealed.

He giggled as he set his things on the floor opening his arms for you to jump into. "Hi to you too babe," he said laughing softly, holding you close. You stood like that for a while just enjoying each other's warmth.

"I made you a surprise..." You said getting out of his grasp, grabbing his hand, and pulling him into the room where your fort lay made. The look on his face made you fall for him even more. "Y/n this is beautiful," he said softly as her eyes filled with tears.

"No one has ever done something like this for me." He continued hugging you and kissing your lips deeply. His kisses were so full of love it made you want to cry. You two truly loved each other to the moon and back.

You two laid on the bed smiling and laughing, happy as can be. He laid down pulling you into his embrace gently. "I love you so much baby" he whispered.

"I love you too."

I made this one specifically for a person who had given this book so much love. Marry_Me_Vanya. I hope you enjoy this one-shot :) Thank you for the support on the book.

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