🏖 B E A C H ⛱ D A T E 🍑

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💭 5 more minutes💭

I was sound asleep until I was pushed out the bed

I looked up and saw my roommate James

M= What the fuck dude

JA= Get up you have to leave in 3 hours

M= For what

JA= Your date with Kelsey

💭ohh yeah💭

I quickly grabbed my speaker and ran into to the bathroom

I connected my phone to the Speaker and putted on the song Drama by Roy Woods

( A/N - Listen if you want I don't care)

M=🎼 No need to pretend, she got a little bit of drama with her friends🎼

When I finished washing I hoped out the shower and walked to my closet

I putted on some swim trunks and a sports bar before I putted on my real clothes

U N D E R 🤪 C L O T H E S

U N D E R 🤪 C L O T H E S

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T O N Y 😍 O U T F I T

When I finished getting dressed I walked back into my bathroom and did my hair

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When I finished getting dressed I walked back into my bathroom and did my hair

I then look up in the mirror

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