😬 T H A N K 🤥 Y O U 🤭

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Thank you wonderful people for getting me to ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

10k readers


To be #4 in Kevinkeller Category

Im very much appreciate for all of you  even though I can't respond to y'all

And also I'm appreciate for y'all to help me stay with this story and given me  ideas too

But I'm also story to anyone who read my other story

I deleted because I figured out that writing like that is kind of confusing for me

So instead I will just stick with how I'm doing with this stories to others

Like I can do a Fangs and Kevin book because there is like none of them out there

But yeah sorry

And do y'all have any ideas that y'all would want  for the next chapter

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