🤩 W E R I D ❤️ F O O D S 😂

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T O N I 💭 P O V

So it been about 7 months of Cheryl pregnancy, so that mean we only have two more months until we can see our little boy

But right now Cheryl got me going to Walmart to get her some snacks

It was  7 in the fucking morning


I got out my car and headed inside

I grabbed a basket and went to wherever the pickles were

~ 10 minutes later~

I already finished grabbing Cheryl snacks and some for the twins too and was heading to self check out

Once I finished checking everything out I walked outside to my car and put everything inside the trunk

After that I got into my car and drove all the way home

When I got home I grabbed all the bags and headed inside

Once I got inside I took out some of Cheryl snacks and walked upstairs to our room

M= Babe I'm home

I opened the door and saw Cheryl laying down watching Harry Potter

C= Baby did you get my snacks

M= Yes I did here

I give her pickles and chocolate ice cream and putted the rest in the Minnie fridge we had

C= Thank you babe

M= No problem baby

I got into the bed, raised her shirt up and started to kiss her stomach

M= I love you babe

C= Love you too

I then laid down on her stomach and look up at the tv

~ One Hour Later ~

I was about to fall asleep but the bedroom door opened up and I saw Quincy and Faith


They both ran to the bed and climbed up

Once they were both up and on the bed they both jump on my stomach


I then grabbed both of them and started to tickle them



I looked up at Cheryl and saw that she was recording us

M= Should I let them go

C= They got to give me a kiss to be let go

Faith got out my gripped and give Cheryl a kiss

It took a  while for Quincy to get out my grip but once he did he quickly give Cheryl a kiss

M= What y'all want to do today

Q&F= Go outside

M= What about you babe

C= I want to get into the pool baby

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