Selina's Special Surprise

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--- Fort Minick ---

Date: June 2nd 

Another early Monday morning. Selina is in her room, fully decorated with posters, dolls, toys, and other decorative of Sailor Moon, ducks, flowers, Hello Kitty, and more.

Besides the clothes tossed on her white dresser, a 52" TV playing season twenty-three of SpongeBob. Two wooden statues to the TV's left and right side are a Unicorn and Pikachu Pokemon.

"Selina, get out here!" Lelei yells. "Breakfast is ready."

Selina glares at the door. "I said I am coming already! such a Nemo."

Gretel, Selina's new Griffen pet, lets out a yawn. It was sleeping in a bed on a small desk next to her bed. There is a patch on his side from where the spider stabbed him(1). He should have died, but Selina's healing magic saved him long enough to be treated by a veterinarian.

"Such a cute kitty bird," Selina said as she runs the Griffin side.

Selina stops and looks at her hand. She still cannot believe that she is a mage. Karlin said it is rare to have this type of magic. Karlin and Lelei have tried to help her do that spell again, but she has been unable to activate it so far.

Only the most loyal of Miritta followers can become a healer mage. However, Karlin also states it has been centuries since she has seen one.

Standing up, Selina adjusts her pink nightgown and puts on her slippers. She looks at her mirror and takes a deep breath, and grabs an object on the desk, "Let's do this."

After leaving her room, she sees Lelei in the kitchen frying up eggs and bacon while Yao makes some coffees and breads. Rory at the table snickering.

Tuka is in the bathroom, taking a shower. Her father walks in and sits at the table.

"Thank you, Lelei and Yao for breakfast," Sharpe said.

"It is no problem," Lelei said. "I enjoy it. And besides, we won't let Rory into the kitchen after she tried to kill you(2)."

Rory stands up, slamming her hands on the table. "I didn't know the difference between soda pop and baking soda! They are both called soda!" She then sits down and crosses her arms. "Not my fault."

Seeing that everything is normal, Selina walks into the room, hands behind her back. "Morning."

After getting greetings from everyone, she sees Rory's approval wink.

Selina takes a breath and smiles. "Hey daddy, I have big news I want to tell you."

Sharpe lowers his tablet, "let me guess. It is either about you knowing magic. You haven't shut up about that. Or you will tell me there's another group wanting to kill you; that wouldn't surprise me at this point. Or you found a dragon you want to adopt."

Selina blinks, shocked by his answer. The truth is, she knows those are all possibilities. She moves around in an adorable way. "Nope."

Sharpe looks at Selina, confused. "Alright, I will bite. What is it?"

Selina gives a big smile. "Mirrita pleased me. Remember you told me to take care of Naminto(3), well I am carrying his child." She then holds out a pregnancy test. "See, it has a blue plus. That is what that means, right?"

Sharpe just stares at his daughter.

--- five minutes later ---

Selina is on the ground, holding her father's legs. Sharpe grabbed a baseball bat and was almost out the door before she grabbed his leg, trying to stop him. "Stop! Don't go!"

"Get off me, Selina. I just want to talk to him." Sharpe said as his hand grips tightly to a baseball bat.

"Don't kill anyone, daddy! This isn't how it was supposed to happen!"

"That brat has gone too far!"

Selina holds on tight as she is dragged through the grass. Up ahead is the base HUMVEE. "This is not what supposed to happen! There is an order of events you have to follow! You're supposed to be happy!"

"And? I will be happy when you're not thirteen," Sharpe states as he gets close to the HUMVEE.

"What is going on here?"

Selina looks up and sees Colonel Yang and General Stanford standing there.

Sharpe stops and looks at his superiors. "About to commit an deadly assault, sir. Will send you a list of witnesses, but they probably won't make it the day."

Seeing her opening, Selina stands up and rushes to the HUMVEE. She blocks the driver's door and holds up her hand. "I was joking. I am not carrying a baby. Rory and I thought it was funny. I am not with a child! I don't have a Naminto child, so please don't kill him! Rory told me to pick him because we thought you liked Naminto! Don't kill him!"

Selina picked Naminto because out of all of the boys she is friends with, Naminto is Sharpe's favorite. Her father told her to be his best friend and take care of him because of his family. She had no idea that she might be the reason he dies today.

In the background, everyone can hear Rory laughing hard. She is holding her cell phone, recording everything.

Selina looks over at Rory, pissed. Rory told her that this would be a funny prank on Sharpe. To make it believable, Rory even stole Sarah's pregnancy test. Now she sees that she was set up all along. "Damn you, Rory!"

Rory falls onto the ground laughing. Sharpe begins chasing her around Lelei. Lelei and Yao stand there confused about what is the big deal. Yao even states that Sharpe should be happy that he might become a grandpa. Tuka laughs as she is in a towel.

"I see," Stanford said. "Once you are done playing, John Wick Sharpe reports to the command office." Before he walks away, he looks at Selina and winks. "Now, who is the fool Princess?"



(1)Chapter 199



Happy April Fool's day!!

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