Tales of the Clanless - Spirit of America

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Written by: Pariah_Yor


--- Philadelphia, United States ---

Date: March 14, 2026

The warm sun shines down on a group of travelers. They just arrived on new land, eager to explore this place that promises so much. A tall thin figure takes his first step onto this new place. An elf with a handsome face, blue eyes, and long golden hair that glistened in the sun. He wore a collared, loose-fitting, milky white shirt which slightly parted at the top revealing a part of his chest. A worn-out black belt seemed to be the only thing holding his plain navy blue pants up. And some knee-high laced black boots to complete his wardrobe. He begins to take a look around, taking in everything he could.

A small blue aura darts right beside the elf. A cute little fairy with long silver black braided hair, a yellow one-piece sleeveless attire that ended in some puffed-out shorts. She had a royal blue long-sleeved bolero that wrapped around each thumb with matching thigh-high slipper stockings and a bonnet. "Woah look at this place, Aldon! Everything is so huge!! "The fairy exclaims.

The elf turns to face the fairy and can see the captivating expression on her face along with her other companion, Malena.

Aldon chuckles and says to the fairy, "well in your case everything already is, Sebille."

She leans forward and sticks her tongue out at him as he shrugs and just chuckles.

"Seriously?! Even in another world, you two can't stop picking on each other," Malena says.

"Well... well he started it!" Sebille stated annoyed as she crosses her arms and pouts. "Why aren't you just scolding him?"

Aldon pokes at the little fairy. "Well maybe if you weren't so easy to pick on, Sebille." He says as he continues to poke while she tries to dodge or push his finger away.

"ALRIGHT, ENOUGH!!" Malena shouted as they both suddenly stopped and faced her. They could see the annoyance painted on her face. Her left ear up in the air, twitching just slightly but enough to know not to continue with their shenanigans. Arms crossed and leaning on one hip, she continued, "I swear you two can act like small children at times. I need you two to focus and remember why we're here."

Her scary demeanor that comes with being a warrior bunny contrasting with the white t-shirt she had on. A ridiculous one with a smiling flare on the front of it. She wore black jean short shorts and dark flats on her feet. Her hazel brown hair, shorter than what most warrior bunnies would have, just reached her shoulders.

"I know, I haven't forgotten," Aldon answers annoyed. "We're meeting up Nelia and Kryuune who went ahead of us."

"And to see what more we can learn about this place and these Americans," Sebille adds.

"Good looks like you two can pay attention," she says and smirks. "Now let's get going and see if we can catch up. We're already attracting a lot of attention as it is," she points out to the crowd gathering.

The US and its allies decided that eventually the residents from Alnus and allied controlled territory needed to engage with citizens of their respective nations to eventually get these people integrated within their society. They pushed this program to let small groups venture in and explore the nations they would hope to be a part of in the future. There were mixed results at first as rules were pretty loose to give the visitors a sense of freedom to go where they wanted which resulted in too many disputes and conflicts. In response, stricter guidelines had to be put in place and a more thorough screening process.

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