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Written by: Baskin Nalliery

--- Outside the palace, few minutes earlier ---

Severlinus leaned against the wall of a house, while marveling at a piece of tech in his hands.

On one hand, was a device barely the size of his palm. Captain Albert of the British SAS called it an infrared strobe. Severlinus was confused when Albert explained to him and his men on how to use it, because when he turned it on, it did nothing. But Albert convinced him that it was indeed turned on by lending him his NVG, and sure enough, the strobe was blinking, emitting lights that were invisible to his naked eyes and only visible by using NVGs. Albert then explained to him that this was one of the means to mark targets for airstrikes with pinpoint accuracy.

On his other hand, Severlinus held some sort of clay with a small metallic rod object they call C4 and took a small device. A plastic explosive and a remote detonator, as Albert called them. An explosive so powerful, Albert said it could topple down a castle wall tower with just one block of it. Whether it was true or not, Severlinus had no idea. But he did not want to find out. At least not when he was not the one holding the detonator.

"Who knew that such a small and unassuming object could be so dangerous," Severlinus mumbled to himself while looking at the inactive strobe.

"And this explosive too," Severlinus mumbled while looking at the C4 block this time. "If somebody did not know any better, they would probably give this to their kids as a toy, or maybe to a pottery craftsman. I wonder if you can actually make pottery from it," he joked with himself.

Then, Severlinus heard a commotion from the other side of the house. Currently, Severlinus was in an alleyway with a concentration of Ticaret men on the other side of the block and their barracks just a bit further from the house Severlinus was hiding behind. Secluded, but still close enough for Severlinus to enjoy the commotion and what was about to come.

"Hey! What in the hell is all this commotion about?!"

"Sir! These Oprichinina soldiers just came to us and accused us."

"You! You are their commander here? We found this in the common area of our barracks! This thing is the Other Worlder's device to mark targets for their airstrike! We have checked all of our men, and that only leaves you, Ticaret dogs, who went to have drinks with us just a few days ago!"

"What? What nonsense are you Imperial pigs talking about?!"

"I am saying that there are traitors in here, and that could be you or all of you! What is wrong? You damn merchants want to cut your losses and now you are colluding with NATO?!"

"You damn bastards! Is this also your way to get back at us for Mount Obto?!"

'Good. Good' Severlinus thought to himself while barely able to contain his face from grinning. 'Keep following the script, and keep building up the tension.'

Mount Obto, a bloody chapter in Imperial-Ticaret War that happened over three hundred years ago where the Ticaret army was slaughtered when their leaders were invited to a 'peace talk' by the Empire, leaving the army leaderless with their guard down. A dirty move by the Empire. But then again, when does the Empire ever care about honor? Only when it suits them, that's when. Now, it was an exploit Severlinus could use.

Severlinus kept leaning against the wall as he heard the commotion getting more intense. Hearing all of that commotion brought him back to his old days.

--- Akusho district, Sadera. 20 years ago ---

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