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"No!" Alejandro wakes up with a start, he sees 'tia fast asleep on his bed, he grabs his clothes and silently walks out of Mattia's bedroom, he tiptoes his way downstairs till he gets to the backdoor, the second he steps his foot out, he begins to run as fast he can, he gets home and brings out his keys and gently opens the door, he gets in which he's startled by his mom "Where the hell have you been?" Adriana starts "you had me worried sick"

"I was at Katie's" Alejandro responds shakingly.

"Really? Cause I called and she said you haven't been answering your calls"

"Ok. Fine I went over to Mattia's and then I lost track of time and fell asleep in his place"

"Hmm" Adriana sighs.

Mattia comes downstairs and sees his dad taking coffee "I heard your friend sneak out the backdoor earlier" his dad takes a sip out of his coffee "everything alright?"

"Yeah. Sure. Everything is fine dad he probably just didn't want to wake me up" Mattia grabs his bag and leaves for school.

Assembly is about to start, the school gather in the hall, Mattia and Roshaun go to sit in the second row, Wounded Kairi tags along, Ale goes to sit with them but the row is filled he moves over to the next row, Katie joins him "Look I'm over it, Ok? Let's put all that behind us" Katie says, Ale nods. Alvaro walks into the hall looks around then sees Katie and Ale in front, he goes over there pushes Katie and Ale aside and seats in between them, he puts his arm around their shoulders and join the two's faces together and smiles, The Assembly begin to wait for the arrival of the principal meanwhile Mattia and Ale are sexting while giving each other looks, Katie notices this but ignores it, The principal arrives the students stand, the assembly commences, the press club make a few announcements one talking about an upcoming meteor shower happening later that night, after the assembly the principal tells the senior students to wait behind, he tellls them to be prepared for their upcoming exams and they should be fully prepared to write their SAT cause their top 20 students are going to be getting scholarship to Yale.

Biology Practical, Ale partners up with Mattia, while Katie has no choice but to pair with Roshaun she usually partners with Ale for praticals but Ale is 'not available', Ale is completely distracted by Mattia throughout the practical, Mattia keeps making biology puns while poking the specimen with a stick, Katie is disturbed by the noise they keep making, The teacher calls Ale, Mattia and Katie's attention to the class, they continue their practical.

"So what's the gist on Aletia today?" Alvaro runs up to Mattia as he comes out of the biology lab.

"Huh?" Mattia's confused

"You know? Alejandro and Mattia #Aletia" Alvaro explains

"I'm pretty sure if we were a thing we'd be called Malejandro"

"Yeah. Sure. So any updates?" Alvaro smiles

"He was my partner during biology practical"

"Biology? I thought you two had chemistry" Alvaro bends his head and smirks

"Haha real funny Alvaro" Mattia walks away.

Soccer training, The boys are all in when it comes to soccer "Rosario! Polibio!" The coach yells their name as he subs other players with them, the second they get in, they begin to show off, Ale begins to dribble every player why he holds on to the ball, out of nowhere Roshaun tackles Ale, the coach blows his whistle warning Roshaun, Roshaun grunts, Katie sits on the pavilion to watch them play, Mattia and Ale keep scoring until time out, Coach calls them "look you know you two are my best players which is why I need you to get that scholarship so work hard okay, no games, no girls..." Mattia and Alejandro throw their faces somewhere else awkwardly "...And do your best" the coach pat them on their backs and leaves them, Mattia grabs a bottle of water to drink while Ale removes his boot "good game" Katie applauds them as she walks towards them, Ale smiles 'Tia nods his head "umm...Katie how about we watch the meteor shower at your place tonight" Ale suggests "Sure" Katie nods.

Ale escorts Mattia home, they walk in uncomfortable silence, so Mattia decides to make small talk "why'd you want to watch the meteor shower at Katie's, Anyways?" Mattia asks

"Nothing really, just wanted to clear the air amongst the three of us"

" Are you sure it's nothing?"

"Look...everything is fine ok, I felt it'd be good for you to get to know each other and plus we can have a clear view from her rooftop" Ale stops to kiss Mattia, but Mattia looks around first then kisses him, Ale's confused, ignores it then heads home.

Katie hears a knock on her door as she's arranging the living room "who is it?" Katie asks as she walks up to the door and looks through the peephole to see it's Mattia and Ale she opens the door for them, "we come bearing gifts" Ale says as he gives Katie a bottle of wine she takes it as she giggles, "so the counter is clean and rooftop is all set and the radio is on so we'd know when the meteor shower is passing by"
Katie's mom walks in "wow! Katie you never told me you were having boys over"

"Yeah...about that... They're here to watch the meteor shower"

"Ok, you boys better play nice" Katie's mom stares at 'Tia and Ale

"No we're just...just...yeah" Ale says awkwardly as Katie's mom exits.

Mattia, Ale and Katie are on the rooftop listening to the radio, "this is channel 9 and we'd be expecting the meteor shower across New Jersey in about 15 minutes" the man on the radio says. "Ok I'd be back, I gotta go grab something" Katie lies.

Katie heads downstairs gets her phone and calls Alvaro, Alvaro answers "Hello, who is this?" Alvaro asks over the call

"Its Katie, I need you to come over to my house I'd text you the address "

"How did you get my number?"

"I'm over here with 'Tia and Ale and I'm not going to third wheel..."

"Say no more I'd be on my way" Alvaro hangs up.

Mattia and Ale are holding hands looking into the sky, Katie walks in, Mattia removes his hands from Ale's, "just 7 more minutes left" Katie looks at her timer. Minutes later Alvaro arrives Katie goes to answer and brings Alvaro up "would you look at that, it's Alvaro" Katie says acting surprised.

"What brings you here?" Mattia asks suspiciously

"I heard there was a meteor shower and what better rooftop to watch it on than Katie's, Am i right?"

Mattia ignores Alvaro and looks over to Ale "Hey boo, can we..."

Ale cuts in "oh now I'm you're boo, Are you embarassed of me 'Tia"

"Why would I be?"

"I don't know removing your hands when katie walks in"

"I didn't tell her mother that we're just... just...yeah" Mattia imitates Ale mockingly

"I wouldn't have done that if you hadn't looked around before you kissed me

" umm..guys.." Katie tries to settle. Alvaro stops her "don't"

"At least I didn't invite my boyfriend to my former date's house, I don't even want to be here" Mattia leaves.

"Boyfriend?" Ale asks himself

"I am so sorry" Katie tries to calm Ale

"Don't" Ale leaves

"In about one minute..." The radio man says

Alvaro tries to hold Katie's hand, Katie hits his hand in disgust "it was worth a try" The meteor shower passes "Isn't it beautiful" Alvaro says as he looks at Katie, Katie walks away disgusted.


It takes me two month to think of these but two hours to write it lol

So What are y'all pressed about today?

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