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Katie's phone rings as she unpacks downstairs, Katie had just arrived at Long Island, New York and her new place has a much better view than her last, She throws her things out the bag  in frustration because she has had a really long day, her dad just got transfered and her parents have been fighting all day long, it's been really hard on her, After unpacking she reaches to her pocket for her phone but she can't find it then she remembers she left it upstairs in her new room, she heads upstairs as she approaches her room door she can hear "best friend by Saweetie Ft. Doja Cat" playing faintly, she immediately gets it's Alejandro calling but by the time she gets there the line goes off, she sees the miss call from Alejandro,  she's about to call back when she's intruded by her mom who tells her to go pack the remaining stuff she left downstairs, she drops her phone and slams the door on her way out in anger.

Sunset, Katie has forgotten about the miss call from Alejandro, She's outside in her front yard doing tiktoks, her mom watches from her room window and it puts a smile on her face, Katie replies to some comments on her recent tiktoks, she keeps getting the question 'Where is she right now' she tries to avoid it but people keep spamming her in the comment session, she decides to go live on tiktok, titling it 'I moved to NY' She gets tons of viewers, about a hundred thousand people watching even her non followers, She explains why she has been inactive for about a month, what she has been doing,  where she has been, she also states that she's ok and safe people shouldn't be worried, her dad just got a job transfer.

To lighting things up she does a quick little new room tour, while showing her viewers her new wardrobe, noises begin happening in the background, it's Katie's Parents, fighting again, Katie apologizes for the noise, she begins playing loud music on her soundbox to cancel out the noise, trolls begin trolling her on her live saying all sorts of things about her parents and how it's not good for her mental health, Her already frustrated mom walks into the room to tell Katie to turn down the music, Katie ignores her, they start arguing which becomes infuriated, tiktok immediately bans Katie from going live for the next 7 days, the screen records of that moment in the live spread like wild fire, memes were made, but her supporters still got her back helping her fight the trolls of social media.

Katie feels seriously embarrassed about what happened, she deactivates her tiktok and Instagram account to take a break from social media, she still hasn't called her friends back in New Jersey cause at this point she doesn't know whether her controversy has gotten to them or not and she's afraid of what they might think of her.

Back at New Jersey, Alvaro and Janice are on a date at a Chinese restaurant having a fine cuisine where they are spotted by Mattia and Ale, Alvaro excuses himself and steps out to go meet them.

"When were you going to tell us that you and Janice are dating?" Alejandro asks feeling happy for him.

"When were you going to tell Katie that you two are no longer dating?" Alvaro smiles and raises his eyebrows

"We were never dating" Mattia and Ale respond simultaneously

"Speaking of... Where's Katie in on all this?" Alvaro asks. "Does she know that you two are just 'friends' now" Alvaro air quotes

"I tried calling her yesterday, went straight to voicemail" Alejandro responds

"I should probably get going my girlfriend's waiting for me" Alvaro stresses on girlfriend, he leaves.

Alejandro searches for Katie on tiktok,  it comes back as 'user not found' he clicks on the #katiepego and sees it's at 100million views with over 10k new videos in the last week, he sees the memes made out of Katie's live, Ale figures Katie needs a friend at the moment, he books the next flight to New York, Mattia tags along.

The plane lands in New York, the two take a ride to Long Island, they try tracking Katie luckily for them her Snapchat location is still on, they see Katie on the sidewalk strolling, they call her, she's unable to hear them the first time due to the headphones in her ear so they shout-out her name she takes her headphones off and turns back she sees it's Mattia and Ale, she runs to them and hugs them.

"How did you guys find me?" Katie stops hugging

"You may have deactivated your tiktok and IG but your Snapchat location's still on" Ale says

"Ha!" Katie laughs

"How are things here for you?" Mattia looks round the place

"It's been hard, my parents fight all the time, I've apparently been 'cancelled' I literally have no friends here... " Katie goes on

"I'm just glad we reached out to you" Mattia smiles at her

"What about your parents? Do they know you're here" Katie seems worried

"Relax, Alvaro got that covered" Alejandro says.

"You left Alvaro in charge of something" Katie questions.

"OK... How bout we take you out?" Mattia suggests

"You guys are too kind"

"It's the least we could do"

They get drinks at a bar, cruise and party all day almost making Katie forget all that's currently going on in her life, Katie rides the mechanical bull when she gets off, she feels nauseated she goes to throw up, Alejandro follows her to help hold her hair up

"So are you guys still a thing?" Katie rinses her face.

"Nah we're just friends" Ale hands her a towel

She dries herself and the two head back inside, it's getting late so Katie decides to head back home.

"I guess this is goodbye" Katie grabs her purse to head out

"I'm really going to miss you" Ale says almost tearing up

"We'd always be snapping, what about you two?  You can't head back to NJ now?" Katie asks

"Oh we'd be crashing at a hotel" Mattia answers

"Yeah" Ale confirms

The three have one last hug, Katie leaves for home, seconds later Katie comes back inside and takes multiple snaps with the two then finally biding them good-bye.

Mattia and Ale take a taxi to a hotel, the try booking two rooms but there's only one left and the other hotels are also packed so they settle for one room, Mattia sets out to get some little things they'd be needing for the night, the receptionist gives Ale the keys, Ale takes an elevator to the fourth floor, they're crashing in room 409, moments later Mattia gets back, He undresses to have a shower he goes into the bathroom, Ale goes after to brush his teeth for the night, after rinsing his mouth, Ale stares at the mirror and sees a hot naked Mattia showering, he pauses and takes a gulp, he can't help himself anymore, he takes his short he had on off of him, he opens the glass door and enters, he pushes Mattia up against the glass and begins kissing him passionately, he bites Mattia's lower lip, Mattia grabs his head and kisses him deeply with Ale's hand on Mattia's chest he stops him and says "we're still friends tho" Mattia immediately responds "yeah" then continues kissing him.

I couldn't help it I had to write cringey shower sex 😭

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