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Weeks have passed since Mattia And Ale have just been friends but Alvaro is still very pressed about it, On a School morning, It's real sunny outside, cool summer breeze tho, Alvaro steps out wearing a rainbow colored jacket with a white vest in it and a rainbow colored shorts, he takes his leave for school, he skips jovially.

An old Karen, looks like she's in her 70's stares at him with disgust from her porch and shouts homophobic slurs as he skips past her,  he raises his middle finger in the air, he stops a bit to bring out his phone and AirPods and begins to play 'Break Free by Ariana Grande' then continues skipping til he reaches school, he walks into school with all eyes on him, he distributes fliers as he walks down the hallway, A girl 'Janice' takes a look at the fliers and sees it's about an upcoming play titled 'Romeo and Romeo' she calls him, he pauses takes his AirPods out then goes to meet her.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry... But why is Romeo gay in this play" Janice Asks.

"Really? 'Why is Romeo gay in this play' It's pride month. Are you not an ally?" Alvaro asks.

"What?! I am! so sorry, my bad" Janice apologizes.

"Hmm" Alvaro pats her and smiles then walks away.

Kairi runs and comes to a halt then begins panting heavily as he finally sees Mattia and Ale.

"What's going on?" Ale asks curiously.

"Have you seen Alvaro?" Kairi stops panting.

"Um... No" Mattia Answers. "Why should we?"

"...cause he looks like a walking pride flag" Roshaun says coming up behind them, Kairi nods.

"Dear Lord" Ale sighs

"Not just that, there's an upcoming school play 'Romeo and Romeo' and you two are the leads" Kairi States.

"But we didn't audition" Ale says.

"Yet again we're in science class" Mattia continues.

"Apparently anyone of any class can be in the play" Roshaun says

"It's just another one of Alvaro's sick plots to try and get us back together" Mattia refers to Ale and his relationship.

Alvaro is seated in an empty art class editing his scripts while chewing his pen, he squeezes the paper and throws it into the bin that's piled up with other squeezed papers, he begins writing on a fresh sheet again then cancels the first line squeezes the paper then throws it in the bin this goes back and forth till he finally decided to relax and just think, this time he sets a goal for himself to write 1000words before any character would make a statement. He starts writing again this time ideas are coming as he's writing, normally Alvaro is a really good writer, sometimes he wonders why he never went to art class,  he's actually pretty good at writing in first person POV but he has to write in third person POV since they're two leads, after two hours he finally finishes the last chapter, he hears a knock on the door then Janice walks in.

"How can I help you?" Alvaro asks.

"I'm here for the auditions" Janice responds.

"Oh there are no auditions" Alvaro says

"But it's a school play..."

"Look Janice we already have a qualified cast"

"But I'm the greatest actress this school has"

"OK how about I give you the role of the one person that is not in this play 'Juliet'...." Alvaro smirks, Mattia and Ale enter the class.

"You signed us up for a play and didn't think to tell us" Mattia interrupts.

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