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Dear Astoria,

I went back to work today. I took a long break to mourn you. I was glad my boss understood. He knew how it was to fall apart. He had lost his father in the First Wizarding World.

Do you remember how I said he Healers didn't enjoy mending bones? How we have classes on how to do so? Well, I taught that class today. I got less dirty looks than usual.

People seemed to have realized how I am indeed a person. They now notice my dull eyes. They see the large bags under my eyes. They see my childhood confidence dead in the dust.

I wish people would have humanized me before your death, not after. It would have saved you from the stares filled with judgement. I would give anything for you to not have to see our family go through pain. But you did not care. You were content with us, you were happy with anything that you were given. That was just one small reason you were so special.



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