chapter 5: Perfect now run

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Disclaimer- Ichiji's POV

Ichiji watched as Law and Corazon walked out the door, reality setting in. A lot of shit happened today, huh. He turned back to his family, who were talking to each other or on their phones. Judge was on the phone with someone, speaking at a volume only the other line can hear. He suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder, turning to see that it was Sanji. Fuck, I'd be fine if it was anyone else.

"Quite a night, huh?" He said, making small conversation. Ichiji nodded, trying to figure out why he's talking to him. He very quickly learned.

"So, you and Law?" Sanji said, a mischievous smile on his face. Ichiji's eyes widened, stepping back. Fuck you, then. Anger flooded his mind, now glaring.

"Fuck is that supposed to mean?" Ichiji said, slightly grinding his teeth together. Not only is Sanji overstepping boundaries, but is joking about something Ichiji can't help but take seriously. "I'm not fucking gay, so don't even." He thought that Sanji would snap back with something, but he got a completely unexpected response.

"Uh, dude, I was joking. I don't actually think you and Law are together. Calm down." Ichiji was surprised, then suddenly embarrassed. Deep down he knew Sanji was messing with him, but he felt the need to defend himself for some reason. Sanji's smile faltered, but never faded completely. Damn, my face feels hot. Hope it isn't red. Ichiji winced at the thought. Suddenly, his father's voice rang in his ears.

"Children, your ride is outside. I will be arriving home later. Do you all know which way the exit is?" Ichiji nods, backtracking his movement back to the entrance. "Alright. See you all at home." Judge walks away, dialing another number. He makes and takes so many calls. While thinking about what his dad really does, he feels a tap on his shoulder. What's with people tapping my sh-

"Lead the way, Ichiji." Reiju said, stepping in front of him. Oh... right. He did a 180 and headed for the exit to the factory room. Not checking behind him, he walked out and followed the path he came from. His siblings were looking around the hallways and the various rooms.

"How'd you come in this way? I'd think there'd only be one entrance to this place." Sanji said, speeding up to walk next to him. Ichiji turned to him. He's always been so nosy.

"There's only one door with a single light over it. It's dim enough to look like there's nothing there." Sanji looked surprised, but smiled.

He lowered his voice, nearing Ichiji's face."So, how'd you get here? I know you didn't walk." Ichiji eyed him as they turned the corner. Ichiji knew he was up to something.

"I got a ride from Doflamingo..." Sanji kept looking at him, waiting for more information. "With Corazon and Law." He smiled.

"Did you talk to him? Well, he probably doesn't like you since you called him a slur." Ichiji winced, thinking back. "And after that he had to help you since you're so incompetent." Ichiji pushed his brother away, walking towards the exit.

"He wasn't even upset with me." Sanji looked up to him. He knew Law wasn't upset with him; from his reaction to the slur to ranting to each other in the bathroom, he didn't sense any hostility.

"Ah? That's something else. He might like you." Sanji said in an upbeat tone. What...? Shut up sometimes.

"There's no way. He's probably with someone." I completely forgot about why I thought he was gay in the first place. That boy... they're pretty close, huh.

Sanji's smile never faltered. "Um, no, I don't think he's seeing anyone. Looking for a chance?" Sanji said, walking out of the door labeled Exit. Ichiji followed, holding the door open for the three others. Reiju stopped next to him, grabbing the door to close it.

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