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"Hey, I'm here to help! And I brought some reinforcements!" Nicole exclaimed as she walked into the Miyagi-Do dojo, Courtney and Mason following her inside

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"Hey, I'm here to help! And I brought some reinforcements!" Nicole exclaimed as she walked into the Miyagi-Do dojo, Courtney and Mason following her inside.

"Honey," Daniel stood up. "You didn't have to come today, I told you that you could've taken a break and gotten some rest."

"I know, but I really wanted to come and help." Nicole answered.

"And you know I wasn't going to let her lay around and mope all day. Also, Mason texts people too much. Don't you have lacrosse, anyway?" Courtney said, looking up at Mason.

"My schedule was switched around and since it's summer, I'm not playing for school. Also, the mall fight made me want to do karate." Mason replied.

"That's great, but remember, karate is only for—."


"Yeah, I already prepped them on the way here, Dad." Nicole smiled.

"She also said that you talk a lot, which I confirmed to Mason." Courtney added.

Nicole jabbed her shoulder and Mason chuckled.


"Well, you two do have some training to do, but first, we have to finish getting this place cleaned up. Maybe you can help lift the stone up. It might be easier with three more people." Daniel suggested.

Mason and Courtney nodded, then went over to Demetri, Sam, and Robby.

Nicole gave her dad a small smile and he hugged her.

"I'm glad you're here, honey. I love you, and it'll get better. I promise." Daniel rubbed her back.

"Thanks, Dad."

Nicole then pulled away and went over to the others to help lift the stone.

She bent down and started pulling up with them, but couldn't lift it.

"Jesus christ...this is so heavy." Nicole groaned.

"You're telling me. I'm gonna break a nail." Courtney replied.

"Oh please, we could break an arm and you're worried about your nails." Demetri rolled his eyes.

"Yes! It's a real concern!"

The two then started going back and forth like they always do.

"You know, they'd still look good together. She shuts him up and he keeps her humble." Mason whispered.

"Yeah, true, but Courtney's so happy with Moon." Nicole said.

"You're right. How're you holding up after..." Mason trailed off.

Nicole sighed, the sadness striking her again.

"I mean, I can't really call myself a Wanda Maximoff since my boyfriend didn't die in front of me or a Padme because my boyfriend didn't get burnt to a crisp, so maybe I'm feeling like more of a..." Nicole trailed off.

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