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//not edited//

listen to lets not be alone tonight for this chapter

enjoy!! :)



I turned around and looked at her. For goodness sake, she was confusing sometimes. She looked at me for a little while and for a minute it felt like it was three years ago, when everything was right with the world, when I still had her.

She ran up to me, enclosed her arms around my neck and pressed her lips against mine. I was a bit taken aback, I mean, she's not usually like this. I kissed her back once I realized that it was real, and my hands found her waist.

She pulled away all too soon, and rested her forehead against mine.

"I wanted to ask you something," Laura asked me, breathing hard. I nodded, letting her know it was okay to go on. "Do you want to stay here? I want to show you something," she asked me with puppy dog eyes. "I mean, unless you were planning on getting laid tonight or something," she smirked, standing back and crossing her arms, eyeing my up. "No! What? No!" I yelled making Laura laugh, which I guess made me happy too.

"Fine, but you better find some food for Ratliff," I said, gesturing to the friend in the car behind me. She grinned a little and nodded. "Sure thing," she said, walking over to her front door as I got Ratliff to get out of the car, convincing him there would be some type of food there for him.


"What did you want to show me?" I asked Laura, walking into her bedroom. Wow, I don't think I've been in her new house. Her parents willed everything to her when they died, and she didn't even know it. She got the house, and moved out from her aunt's. It was a really nice place.

Laura pulled out a small box and showed me a picture. I almost cried.

"I thought you should have it. I don't know why, and don't question it, I just really thought you should have it," she stammered as I looked at the picture.

It was us, on our three month anniversary. She wanted that picture so badly because 'all' of the couples were doing that type of thing. She had set her camera for 10 seconds and came back over to me and posed, waiting for the camera to take our picture.

Damn, I was just so happy at that time. I had everything I had ever wanted. I'm such an asshole. I screwed myself over, and this time I'm not so sure it's gonna be easy to rebound.

"I remember how badly you wanted this picture, I'm not taking it," I said, trying to give it back. "No, really Ross, from me to you, you should have it," she said, declining it. I sighed, and put it in my wallet. "Thank you," I sighed and she shrugged. "My face looks messed up anyways," she laughs and I laugh with her. I can't believe she's still bothered by that. The minute that came out of the polaroid camera, she immediately got upset about how she looked, but I thought she looked perfect, like she always does.

Before I could say anything else, suddenly Maia walked in. I hadn't seen her in a very long time. "Oh, uh, I thought you left," Maia stumbled and I tried to hold back a laugh. "And even if I had, why would you be coming in here?" Laura asked, and it was a pretty damn good question. "I needed some extra paper for the printer, and you keep that in here," Maia said, but it came out more like a question. Laura wasn't convinced, I could tell, but she got the paper for her anyway, and Maia quickly left the room.

Thank Goodness.

"Oh, I also wanted you to have this," Laura said, handing me a song. I looked down at it, and then back at her. This is the song I sent her. The song I wrote for her.

"You kept it?" I asked, shocked. "Well of course I did, I'm not heartless Ross," she said. " I saw some things were scratched out and some things were changed. "I changed it up a little, and I think you guys should record it," she offered, and I smiled. Nothing would make me happier.

The guitar part at the begenning was changed to a different riff, and when the first lyrics came in, there was a drum beat mixed in with the background music. It was really good, I can't say I could do better.

Then something hit me.

"You know I wrote this for you, right?" I asked, and she laughed. "Yeah, I think so," she confirmed.

"Well, I also wrote it about you too," I said, a bit more shyly, and she turned her head to look at me.

"Becuase I loved you Laura," I spit out. Here you go Lynch.

"And, damn it, I still love you," I said, and I meant every word.


hey guys, so I changed my username to wowraura, but I will still always sign my chapters as haileexoxo (:

so this is kind of tying into how the new song sounds. could you imagine if Laura actually made those changes omfg - dont even with me right now.

but ross just took a leap of faith, and holy man idk.

but actually i do ;))))





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