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listen to i think about you from a&a  for this chapter cause the feels will kill you :))) //

edited //

enjoy! :)))



Some people say that love is the best thing in the world. They say it can change your outlook on everything because you become so evidently happy. Others say it's like the sun became just a bit brighter in  your own world, and nobody can destroy your happiness.

But it's tearing me apart.

Ross admitted that he did infact still love me, and I can't pass that through my head in a positive way. I'm just not ready, especially after three years. I've only been back from college for about six months, and for Ross to say that he's still in love with me - that's just uncalled for.

But my heart wants to love him, to be held in his arms again, to breathe in his fresh scent again. To kiss him again, to feel loved again. Ross has been the only one I've truly loved since my parents were killed, and yet the feeling of not being with him is stronger than the feeling of being with him.

I know my heart is in love with Ross, I'm well aware of that, it's just that my mind wants to heal, and my heart couldn't possibly handle more pain.

A knock at my door startles me as I spring up from the couch and approach the noise. I open up the door to reveal a blonde, with a bleeding lip, ruffled hair, and a hurting heart.

"Oh my god, Ross!" I stated, pulling him inside and closing the door. "What on earth happened to you?" I asked again, pulling him into the kitchen so I could clean him up. "I got into a fight with the press," Ross answered, wincing as the wet cloth touched his bleeding lip. "What for?" I asked, being more gentle. "This one guy took a picture of me and Rose. I went the the park after I left here and she was there, so we talked and then some dude snapped a picture," Ross explained. I sighed. The press can be so invading at times.

"Ouch," he hissed, through the pain. "Sorry," I apologized. I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry Ross," I said once again. He shrugged. "It's okay, it's just a cut," he said. I shook my head. "Not for your injury," I stated and he looked over to me, immediately getting what I was saying. "No Laura, don't worry about it, it was the wrong time anyway," Ross said, trying to spare my feelings.

"It was perfect timing, I just didn't know if I was ready," I gulped. His eyes suddenly darted toward me, and I blushed. "Are you ready?" he asked as if it was the most important thing to him. I take a deep breath, and think twice. Was I ready? Ready for Ross to be back into my life again?

Looking into his eyes, I breathe deeply.

"Yes," I answered.


No One's POV

Riker sat still on the couch with Rydel by his side, flipping through channels. "Where's Ross?" Rocky asked, walking up from downstairs. Rydel looked up with a confused look. "I actually don't know, he left for Laura's and he hasn't come back," she said, suddenly interested in the whereabouts of Ross.

"Calm down," Riker interfered, "He's probably just writing music or something," Riker continued and went back to the TV remote. The door then suddenly burst open to reveal Ross, holding a small brunette's hand. Riker looked up. "Or not," he said, throwing the remote down and standing up.

"Why are you two holding hands?" Riker interrogated, a hurt look consuming his face.

He never liked to admit it, but he had always had  small amounts of feelings for Laura, he just wasn't very open about it, and the fact that Laura had turned him down a few months ago made him more heartbroken, but also determined.

"We're um," Laura stammered, looking at Ross and blushing. Ross smiled down at the little brunette and then looked over to Riker. "We just got back together," Ross confessed, pulling Laura closer to him as all their siblings came crowding around them besides Riker, who wasn't mad, nor furious, just broken.

"What's wrong with him?" Rydel wondered, looking to Rocky. "Oh he's fine, probably looking for something," Rocky concluded, turning back to Ross and Laura.

"Why did you guys get back together?" Rydel asked,  smiling quite widely. Ross looked at Laura and smiled. "We were ready, and we're ready to take on everything," he smirked and Laura smiled. "Yes we are," she agreed, and went to hug Rydel, while Ross hugged Rocky.

Oh, but they have no clue what they're in for.


it's sad to say, but I'm begenning to map out the end of the story. it's really sad bc idk if i'm writing a thrid book, and this series has been on going for over a year, so it's quite sad.


just bc im mapping out the end doesn't mean it's almost over, but i've planned out the rest of the book already.

im rlly excited for you guys to see the ending if i'm going with what i think im going with


much love,


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