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// chapter has not been edited - excuse any mistakes //


I stood there waiting for her to answer for what seemed like eternity.

"Laura?" I asked as she began to stop blinking. She shook her head. "Sorry Ross, but I really don't know how to answer that question. I left for college and you did your own thing. You got a girlfriend and I got my degree. You just need to let it go, because this isn't possible anymore, sorry," she confessed.

I think I felt my heart being torn out of my chest when she said that.

"I don't have a girlfriend anymore Laura," I said, my voice fading away a little. She looked at me and widened her eyes.

"Wait, what? Why?" Laura asked, and I got a little emotional. "We're taking a break, she was to clingy and I needed space," I said lying, not telling her the real reason was becuase of her.

"Ross, if this has anything to do with our relationship, you really need to rethink your actions," Laura huffed, raising an eyebrow. "Look Laura, honestly, will you just let me explain myself?" I said, kind of just wanting her to stop being negative.

"I'm all ears," Laura said, taking a seat on the couch in her hotel room.

I took a deep breath.

"Rose and I never really were dating," I said, feeling pressure come off of my chest. She furrowed her eyebrows, but I kept explaining.

"Rose was a coverup. We are good friends yes, but we were never dating, but I did have a girlfriend while you were gone, yes," I confessed. "I'm confused Ross, why even date Rose, or fake date her?" she asked, tapping her foot on the ground.

"So that I looked tough for when you came back. I asked her to do it when I found out you'd be coming home in a few months, I needed to make it look like I moved on," I sighed, scratching the back of my neck.

"But I thought we were going to wait for eachother - but when I heard the news that you two got together, I thought you had forgotten about me," she said, looking at the carpet. I shook my head.

"I just wanted to look good, I was an idiot, I really didn't think twice about who would see all of those stupid magazine articles," I said, looking at her.

Laura poked her head up.

"So while I was gone, who did you date?" She asked, squinting her eyes at me.

I gulped. She's not going to like this idea.

"Maia," I said.

"What? You dated my best friend? Are you serious?" she yelled at me. "Only for a little because I really couldn't stand it without you, and I still can't stand it without you Laura," I said hopelessley. She scoffed.

"I bet you told Maia the same thing," she said, grabbing her suitcase. "What are you doing?" I asked, running up to her. "Write your own damn songs, I quit," she said, putting a pair of shoes inside her suitcase.

"Laura, please don't do this, please, don't just think of me, think of the band," I pleaded. Great, I made our songwriter quit.

"Look Ross, I loved you, I really did. I thought you were the absolute one for me and it turns out you couldn't care less. Now here I am, wasting my time on you and your stupid band. You can do anything you want but whenever someon else does one thing to you, you freak out and sufficate them and lock them in a closet! Honestly, I thought I was the luckiest girl in the world when I was dating you, but you clearly don't care that much," Laura spat.

"Laura, I loved you too, and I still love you, to this very moment," I spilled grabbing her face in my hands.

"You're so god damn beautiful," I said, leaning in.

Kissing the one girl that I really want.


a/n- okay so the whole reason its been awhile since ive updated is cause im writing finals which is a set of exams spread out over a weeks time.

so sorry for the wait.

my finals end wednesday january 28th - so that may be the next update, or further after that.

tysm for always voting and being dedicated.

comment or vote - whatever floats your boat (:

much love,


PS- check out my new raura one shot called 'blondie'

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