New Year's Celebration

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(Thank you Autobot2001 for the idea!)

Third person pov

Abby was fast asleep as her family members started getting ready for their New Year's party that they were planning that night. She was still a little upset from the accusation that was directed to her family being Transformers.

Yemon watched Abby sleep, keeping an eye on her. None of the bots really trusted the family except for Griffin's father and Baram.

Harley had her arm around her child as she watched the little girl sleep. She hated her second aunt with a deep passion. But after that accusation, it made her hate the old woman even more.

Yemon decided to read a book as he waited. It was nice to have a break from working.

Harley covered their little girl with the blanket. She kissed Abby's head as the child yawned a little.

Yemon smiled as he watched the two. "I'm happy to have you two here. I've missed you for so long." He kissed Harley.

The woman smiled in the kiss. "Not as much as I missed you. Why didn't you take our daughter away from that place?"

"I didn't know where you guys were after awhile. It seemed so... quiet. I even searched the place." Yemon answered.

Harley nodded her head and noticed Abby was mumbling something in her sleep before she woke up and tiredly opened her eyes.

Yemon smiled at Abby, tilted his head and asked, "How was your recharge?"

"Why is it so noisy?" Abby asked as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. Her hair looked messy and unkempt. Her eyes were dimmed.

"Everyone's preparing downstairs." Yemon answered as he hugged his little girl.

"Preparing..." a yawn cut her off, "what?" Abby looked up at both of her parents.

Yemon explained why it was noisy downstairs and tried to explain it o the child properly.

Abby yawned and rubbed her right eye again as she listened to her father explain something.

Yemon soon finished explaining and smiled.

Harley noticed Abby was looking at her Christmas presents and chuckled. She knew Abby had no idea how to drive her own mini car and wondered how she would teach her.

Yemon got up to open the door after someone knocked on it and found Enyo standing there with Griffin, who waved at the three. Griffin explained why they were at the door. "We came to see how Abby is."

"She just woke up so she's still tired. She hasn't gotten that much sleep since, you know, the incident happened." Harley was still furious at her second aunt.

Enyo hummed in understanding. Griffin was also mad about that accusation. "Sometimes I wonder how we lasted with them," he mumbled and shook his head.

Harley understood why he said those words, but still. "Now Griffin, I understand that you are mad, but they are our family. We can not avoid them forever, you know that."

Griffin nodded his head slowly. Enyo patted his back and waved bye to them as she was going back to her bedroom.

Harley picked up Abby and grabbed a blanket to cover the little girl like a small innocent burrito and walked out of the room.

Yemon followed Harley out of the room and gave her a side hug.

Harley smiled and wrapped her left arm around him as she held Abby with her right arm. She had to be careful since Abby could slip at any time.

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