Family Reunion

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Third person pov

As Enyo went to bed, she didn't know she'd be meeting Ariella alone this time. She looked around the dark room, realizing she might be in another one, until she saw a figure start to appear in front of her.

Ariella was laying on the ground sleeping, with bruises on her from the people who worked there, but it was difficult to see them since she wore long sleeved shirts and jeans all the time.

Enyo moves closer to the figure, as if the dream was telling her to go over.

Ariella yawned and grabbed her sword, hugging it close to her chest and sleeping on her back. She had a blanket used as a pillow.

"Go and enter. Close your eyes." Someone said to her. So she closed her eyes and concentrated, using all she had to make the figure appear in front of her.

Ariella switched to her stomach, twitching as if kicking someone out of her mind literally.

Enyo used so much of her energy just to not get kicked out. She growled just now realizing who she was meeting.

Ariella's eyes snapped open immediately and went over to Griffin, making sure he was okay before she looked over at Joltstrike's cage. She leaned her back against the wall as she stood there before she went to lay down again and fell back to sleep.

"Don't try to kick me out this time!! I need to talk to you about Abby!! It's about a dream she had!!" Enyo screamed in Ariella's mind.

Ariella immediately sat up, glaring at Enyo. "If there is a a reason as to why I kicked you out of my head, don't interrupt my sleep." She huffed before she asked, "Is Abby okay? Did something happen to her?" She was clearly very worried about her little sister.

"Last night. She had a dream. This one looked real, I used to have the same ones as her. I only saw a bit, but it seemed like someone was being experimented on. I am trying to help her out with that, so I could get rid of it." Enyo explained in one breath.

"That was me. I wasn't being experimented on. I was being shocked. I wouldn't tell David or Asiana where I send my holograms to and why. They wanted me to build them holograms for some reason, but I refused to listen." Ariella explained as she looked over at Joltstrike.

"There has to be a way, that I can at least help. Do you know how?" Enyo asked, moving closer. "We all care about Abby. Can you at least give me a chance. If you can help me with this, I will tell you or show you about myself." She continued.

"There is a way. But for some reason I can't teach people about it, reason is other people might use for themselves. I have to do it. I can not teach you. I'm sorry." Ariella stood up. "Where is Abby located?" She asked.

"In the med bay. I won't use it for myself. She is my best friend. I'll at least show you." Enyo started to sit back down as a wheelchair appeared.

Ariella nods and sends her hologram to the Kim home. "Alright. My hologram is at the house already. Lead her to the med bay, and she'll do the rest." Ariella explained.

"Maybe we'd be in good terms one day." Enyo said. She soon woke up and sat in her wheelchair slowly, not knowing where the hologram is. Conway was asleep on her bed still.

Ariella was walking around, until she found the med bay herself. She walked inside and saw Abby laying on a bed, looking like death was a step away from her. She quickly got to work after she closed the med bay doors and locked them, helping bring her sister's extremely high fever down and also helping her with her night terrors about Ariella being tortured.

Enyo hummed as she realized the doors were locked. She then went outside, leaving a note on the table. She sang a Japanese song to herself, that her aunt taught her, not knowing someone followed her.

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