The Day You Left was The Day I Changed

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Abigail's pov
Flashback 1 year ago:

I was just minding my own business. I was just dancing and singing with my mommy and having fun altogether. We both were playing a dancing game on the Wii that we have in the living room. We were singing a song called 'Bleeding Love.' I love that song and so does my mommy. We stopped singing and dancing when we heard him come in through the front door. My mommy was wondering why he was home early instead of staying at work when he started yelling and swinging a beer bottle he had in his hands at us. My mommy pulled me to the ground as he threw the beer bottle at us but missed.

My mommy was telling him to stop hurting her but he wouldn't listen. He started punching my mommy while still choking her until she couldn't breathe anymore. I watched with horror as she looked at me with lifeless eyes. Her green eyes that had so much love for everyone were staring at me with no emotion and color. I wanted to cry. He looked at me and told me to make him dinner and then get out of the house for the next few nights. I went to the kitchen after being told that and started making spaghetti. I boiled the sauce and stirred the noodles until it was finished. I put two oven mitts on the table and put the two pots on the oven mitts. After that, I went to my bedroom and looked around for my backpack. I found it near my bed and saw a note with my mommy's handwriting on it. I decided to read it later tonight and placed it in my bag that was already packed up with clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste, and a thin black blanket. I went out the window and saw my mommy's car and went to it and saw a bag that has my name on it. I blinked but shook my head sadly and grabbed it being careful not to drop it just in case it's expensive and walked to the barn. The barn was like my second home since I always stay over there whenever my parents are arguing about things that I don't understand.

I arrived to the barn that has a flower garden and went to the barn doors and pushed them open and went inside and put the bag near the ladder that goes to where the hay is upstairs and went to close the door again. I sniffled and tears started spilling from my eyes. I went to where the fridge is and grabbed a can of Sprite and sipped it before looking around and laying my eyes on the bag that had my name on it. I went over to it and looked inside to see........robot dinosaurs. I blinked my blue eyes and slowly stuck my hand inside, being careful not to hurt them. The Tyrannosaurus Rex looked in my eyes and climbed in my hand and I slowly pulled him out of the bag. Once he was out of the bag, the others slowly followed suit. I sat on my knees as I looked at them all. There was a two-headed flying Pterandon, a Triceratops and a Spinosaurus. I placed the T. Rex on the ground next to its friends and read the note that my mother had inside the bag.

Dear Abigail,
I know you are probably wondering who the robots in the bag are and why they have your name written on the bag. Well, they are yours to keep. Do not let anyone else have them. Also they have names. The T. Rex is named Grimlock, the Pterandon is called Strafe or Swoop, the Triceratops is Slug and the Spinosaurus is Scorn. Take care of them like how we used to do for each other. Share with them your love and happiness and never let anyone take that away from you. There is also a letter on top of your backpack that has my debit card and business card. My business is now yours to run. Take care my beautiful little girl and don't be afraid of the light. Let it shine on you as you walk the Earth. Show people you are not easily broken.

Love, Mother.

"How can I be brave and happy when you're gone?" I whispered to no one in particular. My eyes welled up with tears again and I put the letter down and hugged my knees close and placed my chin on my knees. The robot dinosaurs were watching me with curiosity while I watched them. "Hello." I whispered to them and I heard a voice in my head Hello. My eyes widened at that and I looked at them and they looked like they were laughing at my reaction. Grimlock walked up to me and nudged my leg and I chuckled a little as I started to pet his head and he purred at that. "My name is Abigail but you can call me Abby if you want to." They nodded their heads and introduced themselves. When Scorn said his name, I thought that was a strange name so I said, "Really? I thought it would have been Spike since you have spikes on your back." He laughed at that If you wish to call me that then I see no problem with it. I smiled at them and they looked around for a place to sleep and I grabbed my bag and opened it to see my mommy's business and debit cards inside and thought about what to get when I run away from the monster who is no longer my father. I went around the corner and changed into my favorite pajamas, which was a fuzzy black shirt and fuzzy black pants with white stripes on it. I came around and saw the dinobots in my backpack and smiled and I grabbed the blanket and covered them with it while I laid on the cold ground. "Goodnight my new friends. See you in the morning." Good night Abby, see you in the morning. Sweet dreams. After that we all fell asleep.

I Found A Robot Hiding In My Barn!? Being rewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now